Accordion or Glide?

Trying to choose between Gide and Accordion.
Apart from Glide showing whole of page content with navigation to sections, and Accordion revealing content tab by tab, are there any other differences?
From an SEO point of view?
Navigation from another page to a particular section of Glide or a tab on Accordion?
Anything else I should consider when deciding between the two?
As always, feedback would be appreciated.
All the best

@Phloque -

Apart from Glide showing whole of page content with navigation to sections, and Accordion revealing content tab by tab, are there any other differences?

The way the user interacts with them is the major difference. That being said, Glide can be used for small sections or whole pages’ navigation. You’d not really use an Accordion for something like a page’s navigation.

From an SEO point of view?

There should be no difference in the SEO benefits of either. You should use whichever you feel works for your design best.

Navigation from another page to a particular section of Glide or a tab on Accordion?

Neither of the two is designed to allow you to go to a specific section of content within them coming from a different page.

Anything else I should consider when deciding between the two?

It all comes down to what you’re trying to accomplish and the page design you’re looking to build.

Thanks Adam
Very helpful

Not a problem at all.