Alloy Error Reporting Generating Massive log files

Hello, I’m following up from my previous note regarding massive error log files. They all communicate around a “undefined Index” or “undefined Variable”. It seems that Alloy automatically looks for information (mainly Topper image which I don’t use these as I prefer to just link to an image) and then posts an error notice.

The files becomes very large very quickly (over 2Gb) and as I have two blogs ( and this is now a significant problem.

I’ve tried to change my php.ini file at root (but this doesn’t seem to work).

magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
register_globals = Off;
default_charset = UTF-8;
memory_limit = 64M;
max_execution_time = 36000;
upload_max_filesize = 999M;
safe_mode = Off;
mysql.connect_timeout = 20;
session.auto_start = Off;
session.use_only_cookies = On;
session.use_cookies = On;
session.use_trans_sid = Off;
session.cookie_httponly = On;
session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600;
allow_url_fopen = on;
;display_errors = 1;
//;error_reporting = E_ALL;

These are the typical errors which run to 606834 lines!±

[03-Apr-2022 21:11:17 Africa/Harare] PHP Notice: Undefined index: author in /home/sufqstzm/public_html/ on line 325
[03-Apr-2022 21:11:17 Africa/Harare] PHP Notice: Undefined index: small-label in /home/sufqstzm/public_html/ on line 328
[03-Apr-2022 21:11:17 Africa/Harare] PHP Notice: Undefined index: topper in /home/sufqstzm/public_html/ on line 331
[03-Apr-2022 21:11:17 Africa/Harare] PHP Notice: Undefined index: topperalt in /home/sufqstzm/public_html/ on line 332
[03-Apr-2022 21:11:17 Africa/Harare] PHP Notice: Undefined index: summary in /home/sufqstzm/public_html/ on line 333

I need to resolve this quickly as my hosting company has sent me notes that I am reaching disc capacity.

Hey there @GavinH

You should be able to add log_errors = off to your PHP.ini file to disable the error log reporting. You may need to consult with your host on that though depending on how they have things setup.

Additionally can you share a few things with me so I can have a deeper look at it?

Send me a ZIP file to adam at elixirgraphics dot com that contains the following:

  • Your fill PHP error log file
  • A copy of the index.php files from both the Blog and Editor page folders.

You can use Dropbox, WeTransfer or any other sharing service to send over that ZIP file as it will be large. Afterwards you can delete the log file to clear up space.

Got your log files. Before I have a look at them later, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. You said your log files were 2gb and growing. The two you sent me, combined top out at just under 49mb. While this is pretty big, it is far from 2gb. Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe I got the wrong logs?

That said, did you disable log error reporting using the php.ini code I referred to in my last reply? Work OK?

Also, when you reply can you let me know what version of PHP you’re running?

Hi Adam,

  • I’m manually deleting the log files. So those I sent to you are from 1/04–4/04.
  • PHP7.3.



Hi Adam, just done that now. Will monitor and let you know.

Hi Adam, adding that code to my root php.ini file doesn’t make any difference.

You’ve already consulted your host and asked them how to disable error log reporting for their server? Also you’ve checked to make sure you’ve not enabled LOG PHP ERRORS mode in the Alloy Control Center?

Hi Adam, I’m waiting to hear back from my hosting company. No, the “log php errors” is not enabled for either of the two blogs. Best, Gavin

While you wait to hear back from them you might try these:

Thanks Adam, my host has turned off error reporting. I also checked this out and made some changes to the php.ini file. Thanks so much for your time and patience with this. Have a lovely day.

Good to hear. Additionally your log files will help me with some tweaks for the future. I’m deep in building some major updates for Foundry right now, but once those are all completed my goal is to turn attention back to Alloy for some needed updates.

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Look forward to seeing the update. Love Foundry (and Alloy).

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