Anchor F3 problem

Hello, I am using two anchors on my new Foundry3 website, one works fine: Kristensamfundet i Sverige - Blogg-Nyhetsbrev
but the other:
Kristensamfundet i Sverige - Kontakt
works only well on desktop computer, but on mobile it is leading to a wrong destination, far above the intended destination. Sometimes the anchor leads to the right destination for some milliseconds, but then jumps to the wrong destination above the intended one.
Both anchors are in the same “environment”, that means built-in in the same stacks (alchemy and overlay) with identical settings. Searching the reason for this strange behavior I have tried a version of the site with the second anchor without alchemy and overlay, but the issue is still there.
Here is a dropbox link to my projekt file:
Dropbox - - Simplify your life
I would be very grateful to get some help with this strange issue. Thank you!

Are there images on the page. Have you enabled Lazy Load for those images? If so it is likely that the image is lazy loading and causing a content layout shift after the anchor position has been loaded.

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I have disabled lazy loading, that solved the problem. Thank you!


Good to hear. Yeah, anchors are near instantaneous as it is a built-in function of the browser itself. When the image(s) lazy load they do so after that anchor jump so it can push things around.

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