Blog Posts in Navigation

Is there a way of making individual blog posts appear as menu items in the nav bar? I would like to have a way of providing event information that can be created, edited and deleted without republishing every time and for those items to be available individually in the menu.

Which navigation tool are you using? Navigation Bar Pro? Mega Menu? I bring these two up because they have manually curated links, so in using them you can set the link for navigation items to any URL you want, including the URL of an individual blog post from your published site.

It’s Navigation Bar Pro.

Manually curated links isn’t; the solution. The plan is for someone else to add, edit and delete these event posts. They won’t have Rapidweaver. The solution needs to generate the menu automatically, possibly from the list of blog post entries.

You could use Mega Menu and then put a Recent Posts Alloy tool into the Mega Menu drop down Drop Zone. Should work. Haven’t tried it.