Bug in the directory for images?


my website address is:

On the server, the site is located at
https://einfach-gute-seiten.de/de - so in a folder called de but the server will use this as the root for the URL.

The blog-posts folder and the blog-images folder are correctly set:

And with these names on the ftp-server:

The blog posts load fine, the images are using a wrong address:

The image URL used by Alloy is:

But the correct address would be:

So it looks like Alloy is adding the de inbetween.

Is there a way to tell Alloy not to use the de in the middle?

Please share your project file.

I found the culprit. Not very surprisingly it was … me. I changed the folder structure, but forgot I have to edit my posts to change the URL for the image :frowning: Sorry for the hassle.

Not a problem. The way it is designed can be a help and a hindrance. Reworking the system to be more configureable is a goal of mine. I just have to get this major Foundry work done before I can get back to Alloy. With both being such large projects it is impossible to do major work on both at the same time and still assure I give them the attention the need. More granular configurability though is a goal.


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