Columns not displaying correctly on iPhone 6Plus - can someone check on their device please

Hi all,

I’m struggling to work out why the 4 column stack is not displaying correctly on a iPhone 6Plus but is correctly on a iPhone 6.

it is a Foundry Column stack set to 4 columns and set to 6 width columns on Mobile and 3 width on Tablet and Desktop.

So on Mobile size screens I have 2 rows and on Tablet and Desktop all 4 in one row.

Link to page

I have Advanced > Equal Height Columns ticked.

This is on my iPhone 6 Plus - Family Support is not lined up correctly.

On my wife’s iPhone 6 and RW Preview and Simulate - it lines up correctly.

Is it possible for someone to check on their phone screen and let me know how it looks for you.

I can not work out why on iPhone 6Plus it looks off - tested on both Safari and Chrome both mobile browsers show Family Support out of line.

Any suggestions please.


This is likely due to the fact that equal height columns revert to non-equal height at the mobile breakpoint, per the documentation page:

Please Note: Both the Equal Height and Vertical Centering features revert to normal content at the Mobile breakpoint.

Personally I always leave the mobile columns set to 12 units. The better tool for doing what you’re doing here, since you have varying height content, and if you want to keep a 6 unit size at mobile, might be the Grid stack from Potion Pack, IMO.

Hi Adam,

Yep, ok thanks.

Have changed over to Grid stack as you suggested and work better as wanted.


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