Creating your own site navigation -- good idea, or bad?

Whilst I’m here, I’d like to ask your opinion on something…

I’m working on a new project today, with a pretty specific menu bar requirement. Nothing quite fits the bill, so I figured I’d make one using Flux (hence the question above). it’s now finished. And while it needs a bit more tweaking, it works.

Demo: Untitled Page | My Website

My question is… In your opinion is this sort of thing a good or bad idea? I ask, as I’ve heard it said on many a forum post than creating a menu from scratch like this is bad. But I’ve never really understood why!

From what I can tell it doesn’t add an overly large amount of code to the page, compared to an “out-of-the-box” menu stack. So I’m, lost as to why it’s bad.

Oh, and one other question for you: The pip menu is disappearing off the side. Any way to fix that? (other than adding some padding to the entire Pip stack)

This is definitely a generalization, but navigation is nothing more than linked unordered lists, often in a columnized layout of some sort. The thing some might cringe at is making sure the markup is correct. Generally you want to have a <nav> element surrounding the navigation as a whole indicating that the content within is some sort of site navigation. Is this 100% necessary though? No.

No, you can’t offset the drop down for Pip. That said, you should look at Mini Navigation and see if it might fit your need.

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Is there a way to wrap content in said <nav> </nav> with RW?

Two HTML stacks is the most kitbashed idea off the top of my head.

That said, you don’t specifically need it if you’re using unordered lists or a tool that wraps its nav items in a <nav> tag pair already, like say — Mini Navigation.

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