Feedback form without mandatory fields

I need to have a feedback form without mandatory fields. It should be possible to give a feedback without providing name or email address. The two foundry form stacks request both. Jqueryform is an alternative I used previous moving to rapidweaver/stacks/foundry. It would be more easy though to have a stack. Is there any budget stack from a third party developer available? Any suggestions? I’d be happy about having an elixir stack providing this feature.

Those items are necessary for sending the email. The email that is sent needs to be from someone and in this case it uses the user’s name and email for that data – this is why they’re required. The forms that come with Foundry and it’s addon pack Potion require this.

I totally understand that your form stacks are designed for another purpose, two-way communication. Wouldn‘t it be good though to have another form stack enabling anonymous feedback?

That isn’t a tool I personally would have interest in building. Anonymous submissions aren’t my thing. It could be a tool that others would like, but not something I’d personally be OK with building. I’m sure there are other form stacks out there though that might allow this. Perhaps FormLoom maybe?