Font after copy-paste is not good

Hello, when i copy and paste text from a website (other font) in a paragraph from Foundry are in the Jumbotron, in the Foundry stack i have choose Arial, but it’s not correct. Its a other font. How can i do this correct?
Best regards Tom

Be careful to paste content as Plain Text because you may be pasting styled text.

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There are some very nice small apps that auto-transform text to plain text. I use a little free app named Plain Text. So everything I copy is copied as plain text. (It’s automatic, no need to go to an app once set up.)

I also use an app called Paste for storing all my clipboard materials. It also has a setting where you copy/paste only plain text. Lucky for you it’s only $1.99 in the App Store now. Paste is, by far, the best clipboard app I’ve ever used.

At any rate, Gary explained your problem: styled text. I’ve given you 2 options, probably there are others for avoiding the evils of styled text!

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The RW Edit dropdown lists the modes. Paste as Plain Text shortcut is Alt-Cmd-v .


Thanks, those were good advice!

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Great, thank you for the information.
The app “Paste” i don’t find him in the app store, only other apps as copy & paste.

Best thing you can do is use the built-in Paste As Plain Text feature that exists within RapidWeaver. Instead of typing Command-V to paste your text use Command-Option-V. One more button to hold when pasting text, but it will save you a world of problems and having to reformat, or Clear Formatting, your text when pasting from outside sources.



It’s there. Here’s a link to the app’s website:

From there you can follow their link to the App Store. I was incorrect about pricing: it’s currently $4.99 not $1.99. I believe it’s $10 usually. Anyways a great app. It’s possible the app is not available in your particular country but I find that doubtful.

Finally, there’s also Get Plain Text which is free but the accept donations:

Since I always work in plain text, not just with RW, these are all great options.