Fork Lift Specialist

After creating the brand design it was time to launch the website of this fork lift specialist. Appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. If you encounter any problems with the site, please let me know! Thank you!


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Super, Danke Jan! Hm, mal sehen, wie ich an den z-index rankomme… das ist natürlich doof so…

Das Thema Cookies kann sich noch ändern, deswegen hab ich den Hinweis erst mal drin gelassen. :wink:

Just a note. There is a 11.5mb banner image there. For those of us who have ADSL and limited to about 2mbps (on a good day), very slow to load… Otherwise nice layout (not that I’m any expert!)

This one -


@wirrah thanks for exploring this faux-pas.
Always a good idea to double check the content especially in a partial. OMG! :scream: :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:

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