Form Pro and Little Oak hosting

I wonder if anyone here hosts a site on Little Oak and has got Form Pro sending emails as it should? If so, could you shout out if you’d be happy for me to pick your brains.

Many thanks!


I host with little oak but don’t think I’m using form pro on any of my sites. Have you started a chat with them? They have really good support.

Yes thanks. I’ve used LO since RW 3.7 so I know their setup pretty well and we’ve had multiple chats and have gotten fairly well down the road but there’s obviously something I’m not quite getting.

I just think if anyone is using Form Pro successfully on Little Oak, then a quick five minute chat would sort me out.

Yup - I just took down my ancient site and put up an ‘Under Reconstruction’ one in its place; I added a contact page and I used Forms Pro. It’s simple, but I tested it out and it worked (after a bit of user error). I’m a fan of their support as well - nice to be able to talk to someone 24 / 7 (though recently it took a few hours on a weekend, not sure what the cause was).