Forms Pro - Problem or Feature Request

I can’t tell if I did something wrong or if there’s a bit of a layout issue. I recently made a form (and finally got it to work, thanks Adam)! but when someone completes the form and presses ‘Submit’ the ‘Success’ notification is at the top of the form often out of view. The sender can’t easily find out if the form has successfully been sent. My form isn’t unusually long, and besides, this would be an issue on a mobile device unless the form were incredibly short. Since the submit button is at the bottom of the form, shouldn’t the ‘Success’ notification show up there? Did I do that? - wouldn’t be a first :slight_smile:
If not - unless I’m missing something - I think it would be great to place the notification where it could more easily be seen. Does this happen to anyone else? Any thoughts?

The success message is at the top for a reason. When the page reloads, and thus sends the form data via email, the reload takes you to an anchor location at the top of the form. The message is located at the same spot as the anchor location. In fact this was implemented in the Form stack on user suggestions after Foundry launched.

Hi Adam,
was this a discussion that happened in the forum? I’m curious as to what people were thinking - maybe I’m missing something! When I had that issue that you helped me out with over the weekend, we were testing the form and couldn’t tell if there was success or not because the page loaded in a way where the ‘Success’ notification wasn’t visible without scrolling. It actually doesn’t matter where the notification is as long as it’s visible when the page refreshes, right? This was an issue for the client as well and after all of that work she wants me to go a different route; I’m now to embed a WuFoo form :frowning:
Is there a place on the forum where I can read more? I did a search but couldn’t find it :expressionless:

Happy (late) Tuesday!

Do you have have a url to a page exhibiting a hidden success message we can look at?

Sure - but the form is meant to upload small videos (which need to be attached) I don’t want to drive my client crazy so I made a little video. If you still need to test it, there’s an url in the attachment.

Form (531.1 KB)

Thanks for doing this!

I just need to see that page. I don’t need to send a form. Send me the URL here or in a DM, whichever works for you.

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It won’t send unless you add a video. I attached a zip file with a little vide of it happening to the previous post. Are you unable to open it?

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As I mentioned in my previous post I don’t want to submit the form, but I want to look at the way your page is laid out and the setup of the elements on the page and any code interactions you might have going on. This isn’t something I can get from a video. Especially the latter.

That said it looks like you also sent me a DM with the requested link.

You’re using a sticky navigation, so the anchor for the form is ending up beneath that. A little extra margin on the top of the form would help to make sure it isn’t obscured by the sticky navigation you’ve got on the page when the page reloads.

Hope that helps.

Hi Adam -

Sorry for the delay- just finished up two 12-hour days of teaching remotely! Yes, the seems to be the issue. That ended up being related to an issue on another sight I was working on - not with a form but with using anchors on a one-page scroller - the sticky nav ended up covering the layout in areas where I used anchors. Time to revisit my margins and padding. Thanks for your help!