Foundry - general questions


I’m just making my first steps in Foundry and I like it very much. I still have some general questions I’m sure you guys have already discussed. Could you please point me in the right direction?

Let’s say I’ve built the first page and am happy with it. Now I want to build the next ones while keeping some core elements like logo, navigation bar and footer. How can I do this? Can I build like my own foundry “theme”?

I have created several pages and want to change some detail in the footer. How do I manage to make these changes only once - and not on each individual page?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @markuska

The answer to both of your questions is going to be the same, and neither has to do with Foundry itself, but has to do instead with the Stacks plug-in. Check out the Partials feature found in Stacks. It is used for exactly these two scenarios.

Something else to note that you can explore is that Stacks 4 introduced Externals and Templates as well. Partials fill most people’s need however.


That’s it - thank you!