Foundry v2 Upgrade and Release Date Information

@telepati – Check out the Navigation Bar Pro videos above. That said, as far as the normal Navigation Bar stack goes, no. You can’t change the point at which the mobile navigation is displayed. The breakpoints are hard coded and do not change. This is a strength of Foundry in that it keeps things unified and breaking all at the same time.

You should like Navigation Bar Pro though.

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I’m looking forward to upgrading.


Happy Foundry 2 Eve everyone!
Decorations are up, stockings are out and an ‘Adam Please Stop Here’ sign placed in the front garden. Mince pie anyone??


Running through checks today. Making sure everything is good to go. Getting excellent help from some amazing beta testers!

While we wait for the release sometime tomorrow, let’s take a look at the entire change log.

hold on

All stacks

  • Adds settings throughout various stacks for Dark Mode support.
  • Adds icons in place of “Note:” text in information controls in stacks.
  • Provides a little extra optimization for stacks in Edit Mode.

Control Center

  • Updates display of Edit Mode banner.
  • Adds Dark Mode settings.
  • Adds Dark Mode color pickers for base font, headers font, site background, pagination, list groups, alerts, notifications
  • Adds new underlying internal sturcture for Dark Mode that will allow presets to be added to background for Jumbotron and future stacks
  • Adds contorls for setting the Tooltip colors and opacity. Tooltip also includes Dark Mode settings.
  • Adds a control for setting custom font sizes for all Paragraph stacks on a page at each of the 3 responsive breakpoints. All Paragraph stacks will get these custom, per-breakpoint sizes except those Paragraph stacks who have their own custom font sizes applied or those that are setup to be Lead Paragraphs.


  • Adds the ability to use Typeface font assignments for the Accordion Title Bar.
  • Adds the ability to set the background for all Accordion Title Bars to a gradient.
  • Adds the ability to set specific individual Title Bars to be override with a gradient background.
  • Adds the ability to set custom rounded corners for the Accordion Title Bars, in addition to the already exsiting option of Removing Rounded Corners altogether.
  • Adds a Remove Base Margin feature to the Accordion stack. This is off by default to match the previous styling of the stack and not cause problems for existing Accordions.


  • Adds the ability to set custom colors for the background, text, close button and header.

Badge Box

  • Adds the ability to use a gradient as the bagde’s background.
  • Adds the following available properties to the Badge Link when enabled, which allows these properties to be added via the RapidWeaver Link Dialog sheet when creating your link: ID, CLASS, REL, TARGET, ONCLICK.


  • Adds the ability to use a gradient for the overlay when using an Image for the banner’s background.
  • Adds option to Disable Hero Banner at the Mobile breakpoint. When this feature is used the Banner’s height becomes Flexible at the Mobile breakpoint.
  • Adds the ability to choose between drag-and-drop image usage and remote / resource image usage for the Banner’s background image.
  • Adds the ability to choose the vertical and horizontal origin points for your banner’s background image. Works for both the Cover and Tiled Background Image Types settings.
  • Adjusts when some controls are shown or hidden in the settings pallete.
  • Adds notes to user in settings to explain things a bit.
  • Reorganizes settings in stack to make them more intuitive and to support some of the new Dark Mode and Remote Image features of the stack.


  • Adds alignment options for Blockquote text. You can use a uniform alignment for all three breakpoints or choose a different alignment at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Fixes a minor bug where Font Weight and Italicization was not shown for the main quote text.
  • Changes Style option from “Theme Style” to “Control Center” to better match other stacks’ wording.


  • Adds Foundry color presets to Style choices. These work with the Dark Mode settings in the Control Center stack.

Bulleted List

  • Adds the ability to add a custom spacing to the bullted list items. This feature adds a margin to the bottom of each list item. You are given three sliders for this new setting, allowing you to set a custom spacing for the list items at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to add a text Badge to individual bulleted list items.
  • Adds the ability to choose “none” for your bullet style.
  • Adds the ability to choose a Typeface font for your Bulleted List text.
  • Fixes a typo in the icon list.
  • Adds the ability to set your own custom font sizes for your list at each of the three responsive breakpoints.


  • Adds the ability to use the Typeface stack’s font assignments for the Button stack’s button text.
  • Adds the ability to set a custom font weight for the button text when using a Typeface font.
  • Adds the ability to add a drop shadow to your button. You can set its vertical and horizontal offset, shadow size and color for each of the three breakpoints. You can also choose to disable the shadow at the mobile breakpoint.
  • Adds the ability to include an icon along with the button text, as well as choose whether to place it on the left- or right-hand side of the button text.
  • Adds the ability to include a Base Margin on the Button.
  • Fixes how buttons with outline mode enabled are displayed in Edit Mode by adding a 1px padding to the bottom of the stack.

Button Group

  • Adds the ability to use the Typeface stack’s font assignments for the Button Group stack’s button text.
  • Adds the ability to set a custom font weight for the button text when using a Typeface font.
  • Adds the ability to add a drop shadow to your button group. You can set its vertical and horizontal offset, shadow size and color for each of the three breakpoints. You can also choose to disable the shadow at the mobile breakpoint.
  • Adds the ability to include an icon along with the button text, as well as choose whether to place it on the left- or right-hand side of the button in the Button child stack.


  • Adds a new child stack that allows you to insert a Blockquote into the Card.
  • Adds the ability to include one or two buttons at the bottom of the Card stack.
  • Adds the ability to include a link on the image created by the Card stack’s Image child stack.
  • Adds the ability to choose between drag-and-drop image usage and remote image usage for the Card stack’s Image child stack.
  • Adds the ability to choose between drag-and-drop image usage and remote image usage for the Top Image and Bottom Image options.


  • Adds the ability to set a custom gutter width.

Dots Leader NEW STACK!

  • Adds new Dots Leader stack to Foundry’s lineup.


  • Adds the ability to use the Typeface stack’s font assignments for the Dropdown stack’s button text.

Eclipse NEW STACK!

  • Adds a new stack that allows you to show certain content to users based on their OS’s Dark Mode settings. This allows you to show specific content to users who have Dark Mode enabled for their computer and their browser supports Dark Mode detection.


  • Adds the following available properties to the Consent Link when enabled, which allows these properties to be added via the RapidWeaver Link Dialog sheet when creating your link: ID, CLASS, REL, TARGET, ONCLICK.
  • Adds underlying code to escape single quote marks from text added by user for things like custom error messages.
  • Adds the ability to customize the styling of the forms elements (labels, text, borders, etc.)
  • Adds the ability to include pre-chosen icons on form fields.


  • Adds the ability to choose whether you’d like to set a uniform alingment for the Footer content at all three breakpoints or to set a different alignment at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to set a custom font size for the Footer text. You can choose a custom font size at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Adds ability to assign Typeface Fonts to Footer text.


  • Adds the ability to choose between drag-and-drop image usage and remote / resource image usage for the your individual images and thumbnails. Please note: Remote based thumbnails must be square – meaning their height and width need to be identical.
  • Adds the ability to choose between drag-and-drop image usage and remote / resource image usage for the your Featured image.
  • Adds the ability to enable an indicator icon for your Gallery thumbnails.
  • Adds the ability to add a drop shadow to the Featured Image in your Gallery.
  • Adds the ability to add a drop shadow to the thumbnails within the Gallery.
  • Adds the ability to set custom gutter widths at each of the 3 responsive breakpoints.


  • Adds the ability to use the Typeface stack’s font assignments for the Glide stack’s navigation item buttons’ text.
  • Adds the ability to set a custom font weight for the button text when using a Typeface font.
  • Adds the ability to italicize Nav Item labels.


  • Adds a preset white color option to the Header Style drop down of available choices.
  • Adds the ability to apply a clipped gradient to the Header as a style.
  • Adds the ability to add a link to your Headers.
  • Lowers the minimum font size for headers when using custom controls from 16px to 12px.


  • Minor adjustments to how the stack is displayed in Edit Mode.

Icon Bar

  • Adds ability to use Typeface stack’s font assignments for the labels on Icon Bar items.
  • Fixes a bug where the label font sizes showed in the settings even when the label feature was disabled.

Icon Font

  • Changes how border is applied to icon to ensure better aligned icons.
  • Changes how icon is centered vertically within background.
  • Increases the max border size.
  • Adds the ability to adjust the opacity of the border color.


  • Adds the ability to choose between drag-and-drop image usage and remote / resource image usage for the your image.
  • Adds the ability to set a percentage based width for your image at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to set a pixel based Max-Width for your image at each of the three responsive breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to include a border around your image as well as choose its width and color.
  • Adds new “Custom Rounded” style for Image stack, which allows you to manually adjust corner rounding for each of the four corners of the image.
  • Fixes a minor bug in the syntax of some CSS relating the the shadow feature at the desktop breakpoint.


  • Adds the ability to use a Typeface font for the Jumbotron Title.
  • Adds Control Center color presets for the Jumbotron background.
  • Adds remote image support for Jumbotron background.


  • Adds the ability to include an icon in your label. You can choose to place the icon on the left or right of the label text.
  • Adds the ability to use a custom gradient as the background for the label.
  • Adds more advanced alignment options. You can use a uniform alignment for all three breakpoints or choose a different alignment at each of the three breakpoints.

Linked List

  • Adds the ability to add a custom spacing to the linked list items. This feature adds a margin to the bottom of each list item. You are given three sliders for this new setting, allowing you to set a custom spacing for the list items at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to add a text Badge to individual linked list items.
  • Adds the ability to choose a Typeface font for your Linked List text.
  • Adds ability to opt to remove Text Decoration (underline) from links.
  • Adds the ability to set your own custom font sizes for your list at each of the three responsive breakpoints.

List Group

  • Adds the ability to align the List Group items at each of the three individual breakpoints.
  • Fixes a bug when using Dark mode in OS X Mojave where Stacks would force the color of the List Group Items to be white when a List Group item is set to the “List Group Primary” style option.
  • Adds the ability to choose a Typeface font for your List Group text.


  • Adds new Mask stack for creating sections of content with SVG-based borders along the top and bottom of the stack.

Media Group

  • Adds the ability to set a max-width for the Media Group Image at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Limits display of the Media Group image to a maximum of 300px wide in Edit Mode. The makes sure it is possible to easily edit your Media Group Content.


  • Adds the ability to use Typeface font assignments for the Modal’s trigger button.
  • Adds the ability to choose to use an image as the Modal’s trigger.
  • Adds the ability to include an icon along with the button text, as well as choose whether to place it on the left- or right-hand side of the button text.
  • Adds the ability to center the modal popup vertically on the page.

Navigation Bar

  • Adds Dark Mode settings.
  • Adds the ability to use a remote image for your Logo in the Navigation Bar’s Branding settings.
  • Adds the ability to choose which HTML tag is wrapped around the site title. Defaults to an H1 tag.
  • Adds the ability to set an Alt Tag for the Custom Logo and Custom Remote Logo images.
  • Adds the ability to choose what icon is used for indicating parent navigation items for drop down menus.
  • Adds the ability to hide the Site Title text at each of the 3 breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to choose how your drop down menu is triggered. This new feature allows you to choose whether the drop down will appear when your visitor clicks on your parent navigation items or when they hover over the parent navigation item.
  • Fixes a bug where the “Hide Logo at” feature would hide the logo in Edit mode. Leaving it visible in Edit mode is more helpful to users.
  • Makes adjusment to how navigation drop down parent items are structured.
  • Re-organized settings for Navigation Bar into some extra categories. Allows for more cohesive, easier to understand groupings. Also allows Dark Mode settings to be displayed.
  • Removes extra spacing before the site title branding at the mobile breakpoint when the logo is omitted.

Navigation Bar Pro NEW STACK!

  • Adds a new navigation stack that allows you to highly customize your navigation. Navigation Bar Pro is a manually curated navigation stack, allowing you to build out the various areas of the stack manually without relying on RapidWeaver to populate the items itself.

Navigation Overlay

  • Adds the ability to choose the tag for your Site Title in the branding options (h1, h2, h3, etc).
  • Adds the ability to adjust the size of the border around the navigation toggle. This border width is applied to the opening and closing toggle buttons.
  • Adjusts the way in which the border is created to help clean up line heights when using thicker / thinner borders.
  • Adds ability to set a custom font size for the Site Title at each of the three responsive breakpoints.
  • Adds Dark Mode features.
  • Adds the ability to set the size of the Navigation Items at each of the three responsive breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to set the size of the Child Navigation Items at each of the three responsive breakpoints.
  • Fixes the specificity of some of the classes and IDs in the Nav Overlay stack.


  • Adds the ability to align the Note text at each of the three individual breakpoints.

Page Header

  • Adds a preset white color option to the Page Header Style drop down of available choices.
  • Adds the ability to apply a clipped gradient to the Header as a style.


  • Adds the ability to align the Pagination navigation controls to the left, center or right depending on the breakpoint point.


  • Adds the ability to set a custom font size for your paragraph text at each of the three breakpoints. Note that custom fonts sizes will override Lead Paragraph settings.
  • Adds a preset white color option to the Header Style drop down of available choices.

Partitions NEW STACK!

  • Adds new stack for creating fixed positioned, partioned page layout.

Pop Up Gallery NEW STACK!

  • Adds an elegant, animated new pop up image gallery stack.

Position NEW STACK!

  • A new stack that allows you to use CSS’s absolute positioning to create unqiue layouts within the bounds of the Position stack. You can create different layouts at each of the three breakpoints or allow some breakpoints to inherit their layout from others.


  • Adds the ability to set custom border radius for the corners of the Progress bar.
  • Adds the ability to use a gradient for styling the Progress bar. (Note: The Stripes and Animated Stipes features do not work in conjunction with the gradient background feature).
  • Fixes a bug where the base margin was not being properly applied to the stack.


  • Adds the ability to have the promo link open in a new window / tab.
  • Adds the ability to adjust the text size either uniformly or independently at each of the three breakpoints.

Rainbow Bar

  • Adds a Remove Base Margin feature. This is off by default to match the previous styling of the stack and not cause problems for existing Rainbow Bars.
  • Adds Dark Mode features.

Read Length

  • Adds the ability to align the Read Length label at each of the three individual breakpoints.


  • Adds option to enable animations on mobile devices.

Scroll To

  • Adds the ability to use the Typeface stack’s font assignments for the Scroll To stack’s button text.
  • Adds the ability to set a custom font weight for the button text when using a Typeface font.
  • Adds the ability to italicize Nav Item labels.

Scroll to Top

  • Adds the Secondary preset style to the Scroll To Top’s button style options.
  • Adds the ability to use a gradient as the Scroll To Top button background.
  • Adds the ability to choose from several different arrow icons for the Scroll To Top button.
  • Adds the ability to align the Scroll To button to the left, center or right depending on the breakpoint point.

Site Logo

  • Adds the ability to choose a sizing style for your Site Logo: Normal, Upscale, Max-Width, Max-Width (3 breakpoints), Percentage.


  • Adds a new Remote Image child stack to the Slider stack. This allows you to build a slideshow using remote images.

Social Badges

  • Adds the ability to align the badges at each of the three breakpoints.
  • Adds the ability to set the individual badge backgrounds to a gradient style and customize the normal and hover colors for the gradient.
  • Adds aria-label as a property that can be assigned in the link dialog’s Custom Attributes. This is applied to the social badge item’s link when adding your URL to the badge.

Striped List NEW STACK!

  • Adds a new stack for creating striped lists. List items can be linked and styled with icons and badges.

Style Guide

  • Now shows the HEX code for the Primary, Success, Info, Danger and Warning preset colors. This changes when you change the presets within the main Foundry Control Center stack.
  • Adds Dark Mode colors to Edit Mode Style Guide. Will show if Dark Mode is enabled in the Control Center stack, but can be hidden in the Style Guide settings.


  • Adds the ability to set the alignment of the tabs differently at each of the three breakpoints.

Text Mask NEW STACK!

  • Adds a new stack to Foundry that allows you to created text headers from masked off images.


  • Adjusts the display of the child-stack title bars in Edit Mode.
  • Makes a few other minor adjustments to Typeface display in Edit Mode, mainly for Stacks v4.

Video Embed

  • Adds the ability to Lazy Load YouTube and Vimeo embeds. This allows for faster page load times when you have multiple videos on a page. Note: This feature will not work with the Wistia video embeds only YouTube and Vimeo embeded videos.
  • Adds the ability to set a Start Time for YouTube video embeds.

I tried to document almost everything in the change log, but I’m sure there’s some minor changes or improvements that just aren’t listed. Also, I tried to condense some items into one line instead of breaking them out into individual items. Still though, it is a big list.


A ton of work has gone into this version of Foundry, Adam has done an outstanding job in the little updates to the existing stacks as well as some awesome, new stacks that are part of Foundry 2.0. All of the beta testers have also contributed by “hammering” on this version to ensure that these new features are rock solid.

It is well worth the upgrade from Foundry 1.0 to this version. The cool new features are great, but the small improvements to the existing stacks is what makes this an invaluable tool to build great looking, modern web sites.

Purchase this upgrade tomorrow! It is awesome!


Purchasing this upgrade is not thanks enough for all of your efforts on this massive undertaking. Im buying you a new car!


Thanks. No cars necessary. LOL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just hope everyone will make good use out of the update.

That said, one thing that is always appreciated. After the release if you want to give Foundry v2 a like and a comment on the Community Site, that would be awesome! It helps to keep Foundry visible for future RapidWeaver users. :smiley:


Even though I don’t benefit, I think that was a good decision on the free upgrade period. The reality is anything beyond that time frame, and people should already be using and benefiting from version 1.

Always tricky to balance that stuff, but I think you nailed it.


How about a late look at another stack? Sounds good, right?

Let’s take a look at the new Position stack. This is a bit of a more advanced level stack that allows you to harness CSS’s absolute positioning. Here’s a video that shows the basics of what it can do…





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We’re live with version 2 on the Foundry site. I just moved the site over from the staging area of the server. If you get the old site, just give your browser a refresh.

Emails have gone out to people in the grace period between January 1, 2020 and March 3, 2020.

I’ll have a newsletter going out in a little while as well and then off to update the Community Site.


Got it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
THANK YOU very much for all your efforts



This is one cute puppy. I had to release Foundry 2 as soon as I saw them. :pleading_face:

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Adam, congratulations on your new release of Foundry v2.

I’m also glad that you promote Vitor’s EgoMade projects, his work, Foundry’s projects, are really impressive; Great team both of you :smiley:

Cheers :beers:


Thanks @TINO! That means a lot! I love @egomade’s products and he has become a good friend! Really glad to see others are liking and benefiting from his hard work!

If you scroll down on the Foundry home page you’ll also see I’m promoting a bunch of other developers, too. I think one of the biggest plus sides to RapidWeaver over the years has been its community. Both the user and developer community. I think this has slackened a little over the years but I’d like to see it have a resurgence!

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FYI - I just did the first cold shot. Little changes to an existing Website. All perfect.
If u want to have a look…

Congratulations and Thank You. Only a little time to explore, but have discovered EXACTLY what we needed so far. Can’t wait to dive all in.

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Looking good! Can’t wait to see what everyone does with the new features and stacks!

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Maybe u should make a Section kind of a “Done with Foundry”-Site.
Sometimes - What you think?

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