How do I get alternate colors for my fonts?

I want to have white, black, red as alternate colors for my base font. How do I get this using Typeface? I’ve read and watched the documentation and see how to get different FONTS, but not different COLORS! Tnx~!

Have you tried changing them in the Foundry Control Center stack? This should be on each page (you may want to use a Partial for this, so you only have to change them once).

Documentation & videos in the usual place.

In addition to what @jacksona mentioned, look at the “Brand colors” in the Control Center. Then you can select them as the “style” in most usages in the various Foundry stacks.

The Typeface stack does not handle the color of your text on your page. Typeface is made to load your font choices and disseminate that out to the other stacks within Foundry so you can easily choose those fonts throughout your page for things like Headers, Paragraphs, etc.

As many users have pointed out here for you – be sure to look at the settings in the Control Center. You can set your base settings for the Headers and Base Font here as well as “branding” colors as well.

But you should also look at the settings for stacks like Paragraph, Header, etc. Each of these stacks will have a setting to alloy you to select your colors styling as well. This allows you to have the stack(s), like Paragraph for example, pull its font color from the Control Center, or to allow you to select a custom chosen color.

These style settings often also allow you to tie directly into those brand colors (either the normal or text brand colors depending on the stack). These are outlined in the documentation as well for future reference. If you pop over to the Paragraph stack’s documentation for example you’ll find a section labeled “Style” which outlines that stack’s styling choices.