How do I set up Mega Menu's same base height as in the rest of site in

I can’t tell if that new function just happens automatically when I install the update. Or does it just apply to new megamenus I create going forward? Reloading the whole site after I got the update still has the menu body text double spaced on the phone.

Did you quit and restart RW after updating?

Yes, I tried restarting RW after the update and even cleared the cache on the phone.

Do you get the same results if you create a new project file and create a Mega Menu test there?

This is what I’m seeing here:

If after creating a test project you’re still seeing the problem then send me that test project.

I’ve never had the double spacing happen on the desktop like you have in the screen shot. It’s always only happened on the phone. The menu also doesn’t interact well on the phone with my homepage. The homepage uses a sections stack and when you open the menu on that page in particular sections will slide up and down as you are trying to read the body text in the menu.

You can see this if you open the link on the phone:
:point_down:t2: This should be what it looks like.

There is a span inside the Paragraph stack you have in your menu. It looks like that was created because you used the formatting toolbar to change the font color. You should set the font color in the Paragraph stack’s settings and not by selecting the text and applying a color. That’s likely causing the line spacing issues.

Select the text and use the “clear formatting” option in the Format menu to get rid of the formatting applied to the text.

You also may want to hide the paragraph in the menu for the mobile breakpoint. I think that’s too much non-menu content in the menu, especially on mobile.

I don’t know how to change the text color in the paragraph stack, I was looking for how to do that before but couldn’t find it. All I can see in the paragraph stack is the background color behind the text, the color of the border. There is a style section that has an option for “text color” but that uses the color picker. There doesn’t seem to be any options in the “typeface” stack for colored text at all?

I’ve been working on cutting the body text way down. It’s a challenge to give a basic summary of the pages in the menu but yeah it got too long. I could probably get them down to a couple sentences instead of a couple paragraphs. My initial plan was to redo the whole menu and base it around a partial. When I go through this time I will fix everything at once. I’ve always intended for this to be just a version one of the menu. The other menus I’ve done in the past are just standard link menus.

In the Paragraph stack, there is the Style section. You can select from a number of colors (Primary Text, Secondary Text,…) and a color picker. Those predefined colors are set in the Control Center. All of the preset colors or the color picker option are set with a color picker. What else are you looking for?

Okay so the control center works a little like how you set character and paragraph styles in a page layout program? I set up a text style there that I would use for the headline as an example? I think I need to watch through all the type stack instruction videos again. I was trying to get the typeface stack working to upload some fonts but it wasn’t working for some reason. Maybe I’ll have better luck with the type tools this time.

The Foundry stack (aka Control Center) that needs to be on every page is where you set the typical styles for many things. Default font, font size, color, etc. for standard HTML elements like headings (H1 to H6), paragraphs, etc. You want to these first and only use custom colors, sizes, etc. for one off uses. This way you don’t have to make many changes to each stack. All of your paragraphs will have the same font size, color, etc.

You can use Typeface to add custom fonts, and you can then assign those fonts in Control Center for headings, paragraphs, etc. as opposed to changing every Header or Paragraph stack.

You should probably read through this page and then look through the setting in the Foundry stack.