How to space the 1LD Backdrop Stack in F3 so that it goes to edges in all devices? F3

@Bruno @Kip Hi this is a stack/partials/externals related problem. The project file gets injected with resources from other projects you may have had opened at the same time. If you close rw then use the right click in the finder to see the package contents of your file, then look at the sharedplugindata folder → YHStacksPlugin you might see a lot of images not needed to be there.

After making a backup of your project file, you can delete this folder from there:

Then empty the trash.

To avoid this, I try to work only on one project or projects where I have previously cleaned this folder. But before any deployment it is good to check if some files have had the chance to sneak into this folder again.


Thank you very much for this information. Obviously I won’t be able to find it myself. I work as you do with only one project at time. Hope that helps @Kip :+1::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:

Wow that is really strange. I often have several files open at the same time in part due to moving pages between different project files. It is going to be hard to remember to shut each file done before starting another but it looks like I’ll have to try to do that. Thanks for the tip.

Okay I think I might have the spacing on this project working. I’ll post the file so that people can test how the block of text works with the background shape behind it. I got a messages back from 1LD that told me to increase the amount for content width.

My goal now is to have the angle act differently between each page the visitor goes to so that the angle sometimes slants left and sometimes slants right like the example I posted back in April.

So perhaps the biggest question I have now is how would this be set up templates? I think there was a way with templates that you could make an adjustment to it after it became a template, such as changing the position of where the angle points. I am pretty sure I can do that but I have only used templates for one small project so far so I can’t quite remember.

Is it done that way or would I have to make two different templates for each direction the slant points?

Shakespeares for (143.9 KB)

@Kip Hi, you can modify a template but after « untemplated »it. But you can’t retemplate it. Don’t know if I’m clear enough. Two differents appears more convenient choice.
A question : why don’t you create two partials if you just consider a stack and its overlays?

Yes, I would say that makes sense. The last website I did made use of both templates and partials but it was such a small site that I couldn’t really get a ton of practice finding all the slight differences between the two. I think I’ll have to go back and really analyze how I constructed that again.

At this point I suppose my initial question has been answered so I may close this thread and bring further questions in a new one. I am really looking forward to working with this stack! It looks like a fun one.

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Well yes for a small or « just one » site creating templates isn’t really required. I don’t use it much in fact. Maybe with stackspro I’ll change my mind. And yes there’s a lot to do with this 1LD stack. Cheers

The thinking behind partials and templates was that the site would eventually grow large enough so that the their use would be essential. When I first started Foundry my personal sites placed more focus on learning a diverse range of tools instead of making the sites look unified.

So even though I’ve been on Foundry all through the 2020s the idea of keeping things consistent is still a little new to me. I am gradually going to work at unifying some of my personal sites as well so even those might use partials / templates at some point too.

Also one small point. Do you think I should just skip using a spacing stack and stick with the container and max widths stacks which are currently there now? I tried to keep things as minimal as I could since you said it was better to not over complicate things.

Using spacing stack is fine. In fact in IT in the broad sense (and this is especially true in interpreted languages ​​like PHP) many other people have remarked that the simpler it is, the less likely it is to bug. The creator of Stacks and soon Stackspro himself in one of his videos made this remark. I heard it for the first time when I was 12 years old at the school computer club (on a Thomson TO7, and yes I’m in my late 20s… for a while now). I was trying to make two squares moving on random trajectories intersect at a location chosen by the player, the result was buggy. Okay, enough of the rambling, it’s when you fit together a lot of stacks that produce code calls that can compete that it risks being a mess. When it’s like that, I erase and start again brick by brick. I saw your question on another forum, for online commerce you could take a look at Vibracartpro from Vibralogix (with sitelok it is a must but it requires a learning phase with tests; I am very satisfied with it ) and Cartloom. Ecwid has become very expensive for what it offers I think but that’s just an opinion.

Okay I’ll keep simplification in mind. It looks like there are a lot of good replies back for shopping choices so that looks like what I will be working on this week. It will be interesting to get that going. I’ve been in talks with potential clients about that for a while.

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