Images are in the correct folder but are not showing on line site

I have a similar issue. My posts, embeds, droplets and image upload folders are all at the root level of my site (inside /public_html). Alloy is working fine for posts and embeds, except for 1 issue with image droplets. When I create an image droplet, the image file is uploaded correctly, displays in the create screen and is stored in the correct folder on the server. However when I close the droplet creation by hitting Save, the image is not found on the website page nor is the image found if I then open the droplet again to edit it. The image address in the page does not have the correct folder name. It is using{{testdroplet}} for testdroplet where the image is stored in I think the same image folder is specified throughout so I am baffled!

Not wanting to keep an old thread going, but make sure you have no spaces or special characters in the image filenames before you add them.

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That’s was the problem! Many thanks.

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Glad that @jacksona could sort this out for you @todhunk before I could even get to my desk this morning.