Indvidual Blogs Not Rendering Properly

My blog posts suddenly stopped loading properly.

  • editor is fine.
  • blog page is fine and renders properly.

What have I changed? Developing a new page with a Disqus stack for commenting (this is in development and the Disqus short name is different to the main blog page).

Other details:
= MacOS 12.3.1
= RW 8.9.3 (20888)

Thanks, Gavin

My guess is that you’ve enabled PrettyURLs but your htaccess file if not properly configured. Be sure that the htaccess file has been setup as per the documentation for that feature or disable that feature if you did not mean to enable it in the first place.

That said, your posts are there. You can see one for example using non-pretty URLs:

This is what indicates to me that there’s something not right about your configuration, and more specifically your Pretty URL configuration.

Thanks for this. Somehow the .htaccess file disappeared (don’t know how or why). So redid the Pretty URL setup and working fine. As always, thanks for the prompt and great support.

Glad you got it sorted out. :+1:

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