Is changing the type in the nav bar done in Blacksmith now?

Navigation Items are styled in the Navigation Bar settings:

Including the Drop Down:

Documentation for Navigation Bar’s settings can be found here: Navigation Bar

When I change those settings the type style isn’t switching for me. I was wondering another thing about how I set this up. The nav bar is in a partial do I need to have the typeface stack is inside the same partial for it to work? In my other sites I would copy and paste the typeface stacks but it just occurred to me that maybe the type for partials needs to be inside the partial.

Typeface doesn’t need to be in the same Partial. More likely to be a mis-referenced font somewhere.

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What is meant by mis-referenced in this case? To me it seems like you select the type just like anywhere else on the page. I was attempting to tryout Typeface 6 as an example. If typeface 6 works elsewhere wouldn’t it also work in the navigation bar? I am struggling to see where the difference lies.

I’m struggling to understand your questions on this thread. What is not working for you currently? Can you provide a sample project file and point out the problem for us so that we can assist you? No project file makes it 100 times harder to assist you in solving your problem.

This file that I am referring to is the same one I posted here. Everything I have been posting in the last month is the same project so it should use the same files. I just thought if they downloaded that other file you would already have what you need.

The problems I am having are pretty basic. I click the typeface drop-down in the nav bar and nothing changes. As for the forum article in the link above clicking the links in the nav bar does not work for me. I’m not really sure how to explain it any other way. The navigation on my Foundry 2 sites work but for some reason it doesn’t work here.

I just downloaded your project file. I can set the Navigation Items’ Font to any of your Typeface settings (1-5) and the menu and menu drop down fonts change in preview. I can also set one Typeface for the Navigation Items and choose a different Typeface for the Drop Down and again in preview they are both different and show the correct font from Typeface. In short, I’m not seeing the issue.

You are closing the Partial after setting the Font to a Typeface and before going into Preview? I don’t think Partials update until closed. You can’t leave the partial open with the setting on the right, switch to Preview and then make changes to the Font to see changes in real time. You won’t see the change until the Partial is closed in edit mode. That’s just how Partials work.


Thanks for looking into that. By closing the partial do you mean click the back button of the partial while it is in edit mode? I did that. Then after making sure I left the partial by backing out I clicked preview but I still not notice the change. Whenever I make changes to the logo file and re-import that from the partial it updates just fine but not the fonts.

While you have that file open I also had a quick question on that second page. There is a second page called “contact” and I was wondering if clicking “home” on that page will bring you back to the homepage? Or if the links “ISO” and “ITAR” bring up a modal?

Yes, by closing I do mean clicking the back button and then switching from edit mode to preview mode. Here’s a screenshot with the Navigation Items set to Typeface 4 and the Drop Down set to Typeface 2. It’s definitely using Typeface for each and displaying the correct fonts, which I confirmed in Inspector. I even see the font change just after Preview loads. The only changes I made after opening your file was to go into the Navigation Bar Cascade Partial and then selected the Navigation Bar stack and then changed the Font settings in the two areas Adam provided screenshots for.

RW 8.9.3


When on the Home page, both “ISO” and “ITAR” bring up modals. When on the Contact page, neither open modals.

Also, when on the Contact page, the “Home” button does not takes you to the home page. It also looks like it believes you are on the “Home” page and not the “Contact” page, based on the Home button being “greyed”.

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I see where you have the Modal stacks on the “Home” page, but I don’t see them on the “Contact” page. Maybe I’m just overlooking them, but that would explain why they are not coming up when on that page.

I copied them into your Footer partial and they loaded just fine on the “Contact” page. You need to have the modal content on any page where you want them to display. It can’t load modal content from another page.

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This is the one I am most baffled by. My understand of the way the partial works is that you could move a similar thing to other pages and have it work on those pages with the ability to make changes to it later. But the nav bar can’t tell that it is on the contact page?

If I need the modal content on every page of the site for them to display that might not work. At first I thought those files could just be placed in the folder for each page to be recognized by the modal. I might end up changing those modal links into links that go to regular pages. I can’t think of a way to include a modal for that same image on every page.

Okay then it sounds like I’ll have to keep making adjustments in those settings to see what I am doing differently then you? Maybe I didn’t set both the links at the top and the drop down? I’ll take a longer look at it.

I don’t know enough about how Foundry is determining which page it’s on, so I can’t offer more insight into what’s going on.

Why can’t you put the modal content in your footer partial? You don’t need the buttons, just the Modal stack with the image inside. That would place the content that needs to display on every page and your menu links should work.

I did not have to set the font to Typeface in both places. I did that just to make sure both options were working. If you want them to use the same font, you just need to set it for Navigation Items and leave the Drop Down font set to inherit. I tested that as well and it’s working here with your file.

I’ve been unable to get back to this topic for a while but there is one thing I think I still need clarification on - Why would the modal links start working when placed in the footer partial and not the navigation partial? To me it seems like if it didn’t work in one partial it would not work in the other either?

The modal links on the homepage are linked to a modal which isn’t in a partial. Does that have anything to do with why it would or would not work?

The links stay in the menu partial. The modal “content” that needs to be shown needs to be on every page. On the page where it wasn’t working, you only have the links and not the content. There was no “content” to load when the link was clicked.

I recommended placing the model “content” in the footer, as it loads last, so it should not slow down the above the fold page load like it would if you placed the “content” in the header partial.

(edit: typos)

Okay I’ll give it a try, thanks.

I’ve have the modal content in the footer but that doesn’t seem to be helping with getting the modals to appear on the other pages. It wouldn’t be that hard to just place their images into a folder using the Transmit program. Wouldn’t doing it that way solve the problem?

In other words if the modal is looking for a file that isn’t in a pages folder couldn’t I just place that file into the folder on the server?

The model is more than just the image. It’s the HTML and CSS that is needed to open and display the file you want shown. That HTML and CSS etc. needs to be on the page where you want to trigger the modal.

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Here’s your file with the modal content copied into the footer. The menu items on the Contact Page open the modals with that change. I did not remove the modal content from the Home page, but once it’s in the footer, you should be able to.

Nav Bar Modal not working on Contact

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I understand what you mean now about putting each modal stack on the page. Thanks for doing that.

It looks like the navigation bar should mostly be working now except for one thing. If you are on a page other then the homepage and click home it doesn’t go back to the homepage. It used to be a problem with many of the navbar links but after putting to modals in the problem only seems to affect the homepage. Do you know what is going on there?

If that gets fixed then all the navigation on the site should be working I’m pretty sure.