Jumbotron Custom Text Color

Please help me with the color for text stacks inside a Jombotron.

Hi, welche Farben willst Du denn genau ändern? Beim Text markiere ihn einfach und wähle die Farbe mit dem Farbpicker aus. Bei den Titeln/Subtiteln einfach bei STYLE auf CUSTOM (Statt CONTROL CENTER) gehen und dann die Farbe wählen.

Good morning @Matthias! Which text in the Jumbotron are you referring to? The title, subtitle? Or are you referring to Paragraph stacks you’ve placed into the Jumbotron stack?

Hallo @Fuellemann, es sind sehr viele Textfelder darin und diese sind dazu auch noch global… :scream:

Is Jombotron similar to an ExtraContent Stack?
If I choose a dark background, then I need a bright font color.

It would be helpful,
if i could set the color for text and links in a Jombotron separately, like the Title and Sub-title.

I have placed in the Daily Stack (DooBox), this includes a lot of text fields. What you see is only the friday.
And “every day” is a global stack, on other pages in black with white background.
Therefore, I can not define the color with the picker.

Is Jombotron similar to an ExtraContent Stack?

No, there is no need for an ExtraContent type stack in Foundry since you can place content anywhere you like. Or perhaps I’m misunderstanding your meaning.

If I choose a dark background, then I need a bright font color. It would be helpful, if i could set the color for text and links in a Jombotron separately, like the Title and Sub-title.

Totally doable. Here’s a couple examples. First one uses the built-in Title and Sub-Title with custom colors. Second one uses a Paragraph stack with custom color. Third one combines all of that together.

I have placed in the Daily Stack (DooBox), this includes a lot of text fields. What you see is only the friday.
And “every day” is a global stack, on other pages in black with white background.
Therefore, I can not define the color with the picker.

The third-party stack would need to provide a way to set the color of the content within itself in this case.


Great, i got it! Paragraph is the “new” Text stack. :slight_smile:

Solved. The free little CSS Box (JoeWorkman) helped me.

Solved. The free little CSS Box (JoeWorkman) helped me.

If you’re just using text though you don’t need this. Just use the Paragraph stack, or any of the other Foundry stacks, dropped into the drop zone in the Jumbotron stack.