Link in RSS.xml not correct

Upon checking, I noticed that in Alloy, the links to the articles in the RSS feed are not correctly entered.

Original Entry in Alloy: ANIMALoffice Version 11.0.6

“Index_” is obviously also entered in RSS.xml. See Hardcopies.

How can I prevent or correct this?
:slight_smile: Gerhard

Seems odd. I suspect it may have to do with your setup. If you check the XML file for the Elixir blog as an example you’ll see the URLs are properly formed.

Provide us a copy of your project file please.

Create a ZIP file containing your project file. This is the file you open in RapidWeaver to edit your site. After creating the ZIP file, upload it using a service like Dropbox, WeTransfer, Droplr, or a similar service to create download link for us. Paste that download link in your reply.

:slight_smile: Gerhard

Sorry. Unfortunately that link does not provide a way to download your file, only a way to add it to my iCloud drive. Please provide a download link as requested.

Hello Adam,


I hope this link works.

:slight_smile: Gerhard

This is happening because you’ve placed more than one page into the main root folder. You’re placing the blog / news page in the root folder, as well as the Download Center page.

You should be putting a FOLDER NAME in the Folder field, not a forward slash. You’ve created a mess by doing this and muddling multiple pages into one folder (the root folder). This causes RapidWeaver to name folders that Alloy needs access to incorrectly as RapidWeaver is trying to protect you from yourself since you’re putting multiple pages into the same folder.

To fix this you’ll want to start by downloading your Posts and Images folders as backups.

(1) Fix your folder naming inside of RapidWeaver. Check ALL of your pages to make sure they’ve all got unique folder names. No page should share a folder name with any other page.

(1b) Additionally make sure that all pages are named either index.html or index.php depending on whether it is a PHP based page or not.

(2) Delete everything from your published location except for the Posts and Images folders.

(3) Republish all files with the new, properly named folders.

Hello Adam,
I did it that way, now the links are correct again. :+1:

Thank you for your support.
:slight_smile: Gerhard

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