Missing topper image preview

I just bought Alloy thanks to Adam’s generous gesture. I’m following the tutorial videos, so far so good.
However when I try to put a Topper image only the broken image link is shown, even though it is in the image-uploads folder.
The sample posts show the images without problem.
What am I doing wrong?Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 10.31.12 AM

Can you send me a copy of your project file? Send it to adam at elixirgraphics dot com. If it is larger than 4 or 5 mb, send it using something like Dropbox.

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how did you name the image? Special characters might break the link, also spaces…

Thanks Fuellemann, I also suspected that, the last image I tried has only a number 1.jpg, no results

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See my post above. Send me that and I can help troubleshoot it.

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I sent it a few minutes ago Adam.
My Internet speed is the worst right now


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Just got it. Will take a look.

Can you also send me your image you’re using for the topper please?

Also, if you can email me the live URL and the login info please.

What version of PHP are you using?

Let me see. I’m on Chillidog hosting

Chillidog PHP Version is 7.2.29


I’ve published a test here and it seems to be working fine using your project file.

I suspect it is because you don’t have the publishing URLs and the General settings Web Address configured correctly…

Be sure you set these fields up correctly for your publishing destination:

Alloy uses these fields so it knows where things are.

Ooopps! My fault :man_facepalming:
As I was just learning I forgot this basic configuration

Thanks Adam

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Is there a Alloy Example three file?


Not sure what you mean. In reference to what?

Like this projectsScreen Shot 2020-04-08 at 1.47.46 PM

No, there’s just the two.

Back to learn :grinning:

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