Nav Bar Pro update option?

I am constantly editing and adding to my website. This leads to newly created Nav Items and Drop-down items. All my pages have the same nav bar. Is it possible to fix the nav bars to auto-update all the nav bars on my other pages so that I don’t have to copy and paste nav bars all the time?

You want to create a Stack’s Partial that includes your NavBar Pro. You can then place that partial on all of your pages. When you update a stack in a partial, all instances of that partial are automatically changed.

I’d recommend a Partial with your Foundry stack and your Typeface stack and a second Partial with your NavBar and other header content. I often use a third with my footer content. Partials are very powerful and useful.

More info here on Partials.


I can’t believe how much time I save with partials. Awesome! And thank you.

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