One page navigation

Is there a way to make a navigation bar for a one page site ?

You can use the Glide stack currently to create a one-page navigation. That is a vertical navigation though, and I suspect you’re wanting a horizontal navigation bar, which is not something that Foundry has at this time.

Thanks ! I use the Glide stack for now. The vertical navigation is nog a big issue for me…

Awesome! Glide is really fun to use!

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Hi, will that horizontal option (or stack) be available as a future add on?

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It is a definite possibility. There’s no stack in the works, but I have added it to the feature request list.


I second that wish for a horizontal navigation for one-pagers :slight_smile:

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How could the glide stack be setup so that it behaves more like the bullet navigation common on some single page sites where the role is to provide feedback as to the number of “pages”. Currently I can sort of do this but it is hampered by the fact that I cannot turn OFF labels ( I can do this by not adding a label, but it still creates space for the label). I then use the icon as the means of display a DOT.

But the other problem with this approach is that most commonly when this type of feed back is displayed it tends to be centered vertically and then scrolls with the page, whereas the glide stack is always at the top. Not a big issue as the navigation is still visible. Just looks cleaner when centered on the page vertically.

The biggest improvement though for me would the ability to TURN OFF the label, while retaining the icon. It would also be really nice if the icon for the active item could be different.

How could the glide stack be setup so that it behaves more like the bullet navigation common on some single page sites where the role is to provide feedback as to the number of “pages”. Currently I can sort of do this but it is hampered by the fact that I cannot turn OFF labels ( I can do this by not adding a label, but it still creates space for the label). I then use the icon as the means of display a DOT.

But the other problem with this approach is that most commonly when this type of feed back is displayed it tends to be centered vertically and then scrolls with the page, whereas the glide stack is always at the top. Not a big issue as the navigation is still visible. Just looks cleaner when centered on the page vertically.

I don’t know that I’m following along with the type of navigation you’re looking to build. If you can give me an example, a live URL of a navigation that does what you’re talking about, that would be helpful.

The biggest improvement though for me would the ability to TURN OFF the label, while retaining the icon. It would also be really nice if the icon for the active item could be different.

This could be a possibility for a feature, but I’d have to look at it a bit.