Shutter...Batch mode not working

I just setup this gallery…batch is not working?

Any help would be appreciated.

It doesn’t appear that you’ve put any images in the batch/pics folder on your server:

If you haven’t already be sure to watch the Batch Import tutorial video on the documentation page: Premium RapidWeaver themes, stacks addons, and more

This is what transmit is showing me.

I can’t tell much from the cropped image.

Is that the batch folder that Shutter created or did you create that folder?

Also I’m assuming the gallery is supposed to be on the page you linked us to, correct?

I created it…the batch & pics folder.
It is suppose to be above the video on the Gallery
and i tried it in and out of the accordion.
Right now it is below the accordion.

The folder for the batch processing on that page should be here:

That is the folder Shutter created for you.

Something I see as a problem though – you’re putting Shutter into an Ivy accordion. You can’t do this. You’re putting a very complex stack into another complex stack. This is a general no-no. Additionally you’re nesting multiple versions of Ivy within one another. I’d warn against doing this as well.

Move Shutter out of the Ivy stack and put your images in the folder I’ve pointed you to above.

I am not running a secure server…so http://
Shutter created none of these…I did, and it is there.
I have literally hundreds of uses of ivy inside of ivy…no issues.

I just instinctively typed https://

It literally doesn’t matter.

I am sorry, but there are no images there, I just looked:

My suggestion would be this – delete all batch folders. Go through each folder on your server in that site and delete them. When you’re done, revisit the Shutter page. When you do it will look to see if the batch folder exists, as outlined in the tutorial video. If it doesn’t exist it will create it for you. Then go back to your FTP server and find the newly created batch folder that Shutter made for you.

I’d also highly recommend watching (re-watching?) the tutorial video.

As the person who wrote the stack, I am simply telling you I do not recommend using it that way. Take it however you like and use it how you like. I’m just warning you that you are possibly setting yourself up for trouble.

In addition to possible problems it is bad for your visitors ability to discover content on your site, IMHO.

Please look at the full URL I’ve provided in the screenshot above.

I do understand…thanks…but it I was unable to sub my content, my users would not use my services.
I do love ivy…and since I discovered the CSS to make each item thinner…more so.
I do wish there was a adjustment inside of ivy to do that.

That is not the correct folder. As I said before please look carefully at the URL I have pasted in below, and which I have referenced previously in this thread:

:white_check_mark: Backyardflyer/CulverProps/batch/pics

The folder you keep referencing is:

:x: Backyardflyer/batch/pics

Please compare these URLs.

As I’ve said, please look in the folder I’ve referred you to. If you don’t want to do that, then follow these instructions:

Either way I highly recommend that you watch (re-watch?) the tutorial video for Batch Importing.

I just built and tested a Batch Import page here and it is working as it should: CleanShot 2021-08-12 at 15.mp4 - Droplr

Looks like you have the photos in the right place now:

Also looks like it is working now?

I would still highly advise against putting Shutter inside of Ivy.

Hi @joemart1951 – I’m following up with you since I didn’t hear back from you again yesterday to make sure you got Shutter’s batch import working.