Stacks Plug-In v4.3

For those who haven’t quite updated to Stacks v5 yet, there’s a new version of Stacks v4 on the update server today.

During the Stacks 5 development we’ve been fixing quite a few bugs along the way and felt that we should back-port these to Stacks 4 to let everyone take advantage of the stability of Stacks 5.

We’ve included those fixes, plus added support for the Stacks 5 Library Groups (Smart Groups) format. This way you can move back and forth between Stacks 5 and Stacks 4 without disrupting your Stacks 5 groups. This is primarily a benefit for developers and consultants that are moving back and forth between versions a lot.

This version does change the system requirements a little (we moved from macOS 10.12 Sierra to 10.13 High Sierra) – but no changes to the RW requirements, this new version will work well with RapidWeaver Classic and RapidWeaver 8 too.

I wrote a long post about why we’re moving our macOS system requirements and what they will be for upcoming releases of Stacks 5 and Stacks Pro. You can read more about it on the Stacks discord here:

Stacks v4.3.0

Release Notes: Stacks Release Notes
