Transparent background in a Banner Stack?

Hi all, i am a newbie with Foundry, i was hoping it would be easier than UiKit and Foundation etc.

So i am trying to design a brand new home page, i am using the Freebie download “Shutter” to get me started.
I have hit a snag already, i would like the Background of the Banner Stack to be Transparent, for which i need RGBA , but the color picker only shows RGB settings, i obviously need a little bit of magic CSS to do the trick, can anyone please advise, thank you so much if you can.

I have the Banner stack with the site title and slogan on it, in front of a static full size background picture using BgStretcher2 “RW Extras”

my aim is to have the Title and Slogan on a transparent background which will scroll up to reveal the contents of the page !

I hope that makes sense ?


Just select Image as a backgound for the banner but do not apply an image. That’s how I added the torus knot at: Whispers of Power | Project

Can I ask why you’d want a transparent background for the banner? If you don’t want a background there’s likely better stacks to use than the Banner. The Banner stack is all about providing a background. If you let us know what you’re trying to accomplish with your layout and a Dropbox or similar link to your project file I can help you out.

and a Zip file 8mb

Thanks @Fuellemann thanks for your suggestion, but the way i have it arranged it isnt as easy as that, quite simply, I done it wrong !

Thanks @elixirgraphics for taking up the challenge to sort me out, I was only trying to use the Banner Stack as it was already there in the project “shutter”.
Of course you are spot on, by saying the Banner stack isnt needed at all for the effect that i am trying to achieve.
To sum up, what i am aiming for, is to have the Picture as a background (on probably on every page)
On the home page when it loads i would like the Site Title and Slogan to be in front of the Picture and then scroll up out of the way when the “scroll down button” is clicked.
I havent attempted to change anything else yet, i was hoping to get the Intro up and running first.

When i have mastered Foundry a little more, i intend for my site to be a little like my effort with Foundation another very helpful developer helped me enormously with that one !!
I was hoping to create something with Foundry without any outside help, i obviously dont know enough YET


I have also created these two sites :- with Nick Cates “Forward” theme. at and
As you can see i have far too much spare time LOL.

“Who am i hiding from ???”


Yes, for what you want you do not need to use the Banner stack. I’ve changed things slightly and made a very quick modification as an example using just a Container and Margins stack.

You can get it here:

Adjust the margins on the Margins stack to your liking.

Thanks for that Adam, very good of you, i am now beginning to appreciate how important it is to have different Margin settings for each device :slight_smile:
@elixirgraphics however i have now lost the “scroll down button” which was a part of the Banner Stack, do you have any suggestions for that please ?
You will notice that on this page made with foundation, the whole screen picture is clickable, which when clicked scrolls up, can Foundry emulate that effect ?


@elixirgraphics however i have now lost the “scroll down button” which was a part of the Banner Stack, do you have any suggestions for that please ?

My suggestion would be to hold out for just a little while. There’s something coming in an update for Foundry that will give you exactly what you need.

You will notice that on this page made with foundation, the whole screen picture is clickable, which when clicked scrolls up, can Foundry emulate that effect ?

No, that is not something Foundry has, or something I’d be inclined to add.

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OK Adam, there is no real rush anyway, i will happily wait and see what you have in store for US, thanks.


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The new update is out today, after months of coding and several rounds of beta testing.

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thanks for the tip off Adam, my cup over floweth now, i cant believe you have done all this Foundry stuff all on your own :slight_smile:
and furthermore i have been reading through the posts and realise you are right near the Hurricane Matthew !!! jeez, i hope it missed you, we need you here :slight_smile:

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Thanks! We did OK. Didn’t have much damage due to the storm thankfully. Enjoy the Scroll To stack. :wink:

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