Webdeersign Project7 for Professional Photographers available for Foundry

I have rewritten Project7 for Foundry and it is available now from http://webdeersign.com/projects

P7 includes straight Foundry versions of the 3 main pages found in the original Foundation SectionsPro P7 version. However, it also includes a 4th page which is 100% Foundry. What started as an idea to see how far I could get using nothing except the standard Foundry stacks, was quickly developed into a 100% Foundry version. I still find it pretty amazing that Foundry contains the standard layout building blocks to achieve this type of site. You can see the demo page at http://webdeersign.com/pr7demo2/demo4/

The project is a front end that matches the style and layout of the 2 most popular professional photographer photo systems - PixieSet & ShootProof. It provides links into either of those systems, that clients will find seamless. However, the amazing thing is that PixieSet allows up to 1500 images in the free version and you will not find a more elegant CMS Gallery, shopping cart, email campaign, solution anywhere. It is not possible to build such a total solution in RW, yet you can use PixieSet for free for up to 1500 images.

Whether you use the photo system or not, Project 7 shows how to create some sophisticated layouts that can be challenging to design yet easy to use once you see them in the Project file.

If you already have P7 and use Foundry, just login to your Paddle Account and download the new version.


Thanks for developing these projects for Foundry. I have Foundry and in my little bit of testing I love how it works. But I won’t start creating “real” sites with it until June. Although I won’t use this project (photography is only a small part of what I do) I am really looking forward to seeing all the various projects you move over, or create specially, for Foundry. I’m sure I’ll use one of them come this summer!

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Instant Buy. And for the 20 characters: Great Work. Thank you very much.

Thanks. Any questions just let me know.

Looks good, but the contact page seems to have a problem. The send button is mostly hidden behind the footer.

Might just be what I’m seeing on the demo, but you might want to have a look.

Thanks Neil. That will teach me to make a last minute change. I had the Contact form in a 100% height SectionsPro stack and then tried to make it 100% Foundry. I will redo that. If you are using P7 then just replace the Form container with a 100% height Sections Pro with Vertical align selected.

Finding a place to put the Contact Form is currently a bit of a challenge in Foundry. I would like to put it in a Modal or SideSlide that is triggered from multiple places but that’s not possible .

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Great work Gary, hoop to see many new Foundry projects at the future (business projects)…

One thing that I forgot to mention is that an obvious solution to use for the Foundry version of Impact, would be to use the Foundry Slider in Hero mode. It wouldn’t be quite as smooth as the Impact slide fades (nothing else is) but it is a standard built in feature at no extra cost.

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