What the fonts!

Hi Can anybody help please?

I am using google fonts, as per the video on you tube - Using Foundry's Typeface stack to in
I have Header - Font type x and I have a Paragraph font type x. I have set font size for header 40px but, for paragraph it will oor both only let me set font size upto max. 24px!. How can I have same size font i.e. 40px for both header and paragraph. Screen prints attached.

It would be fontastic if anybody can help!

Thanks in advance


Do you want all of your paragraphs to be 40px? If not, then just use another header stack for that particular content and font for 40px

Try changing it in the Paragraph section of the Control Center stack and see if that does it for you.

I just tested my suggestion, and it does work. In Control Center go down to Paragraph and check Custom Paragraph Font Size. Then set the font sizes you want at each break point.

You can also set custom font sizes for each individual Paragraph stack, which I often feel is the most common use case:

CleanShot 2020-08-16 at 13.24.11

Gives you pre-breakpoint custom font sizes on individual Paragraph stacks:

CleanShot 2020-08-16 at 13.24.58

These are talked about in the Documentation for Paragraph:


Don’t forget to put your forum posts into a category, please. This one should be in the Foundry category. :+1:

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Thanks! I somehow missed that addition to Foundry v2 Paragraph stack.

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No problem. I use it sometimes for accent paragraphs. Or if I need the lede paragraph to be slightly larger.

Thanks Adam

And comment noted


Thanks sound suggestion

Thanks Alan for the feedback