A blog page and also same posts on home page?

I would like to have a blog page on my site. But I would also like to have a “News” section of my home page that presents the last three blog posts (in short form).

Here is an example: https://www.christs.cam.ac.uk. Scroll down to the News section.

Is this possible somehow?

This stack is included with Alloy.

Thank you for your help. However, it is not quite what I am looking for.

Rather, I’d like the homepage to only display the summary view of the last three blog posts. If a person wishes to read the whole blog post, they would then click on the “Read more” button. At this point, instead of the whole blog post showing on the homepage, the “blog” page would launch and the long post would be read there.

Again, like the https://www.christs.cam.ac.uk website.

Summaries for the Recent Posts stack is not a feature currently.

OK, that confirmation is helpful. Perhaps I can put it forward as a request for a time in which Alloy is revisited. Thank you.

Already filed it as a feature request. You can thank @Steve_J. :slight_smile:


Oh yes I would love to use that, too :slight_smile: