A few issues with Alloy

I have installed a second Alloy-page on my website. It doesnot show up in the navigation, I have not yet posts I want to publish.
But somethings I cannot figure out although my first Alloy-blog functions well.

  1. The inputfield in the editor is very small. I couldnot figure out to enlarge it. (see pics 1 and 2)

  2. There is no popup on the button in the editor. So also no option to logout.
    3 button

  3. Is it possible to localise the date and time. It is in English, but can I change it to the Dutch language?

Thanks in advance!

I solved issues 1 and 2:

I localised the labels of the Editor to Dutch. In only one label I used a single quotation mark - in Komma’s.
That little mark is the source of all evil.

Remains the question of the possibility to localise the date and time of future posts.

Glad you sorted out your other issues. You can escape the single quote if you need it add a backslash (\) right before the single quote.


No, sorry there is not an option to do that at this time.


A minor question popped up:
is it possible to only show in the editor the posts (or embeds)?

Having checked, I do not believe this is possible.

Do you mean in the pop up menu at the bottom right, or are you referring to something different?

I mean actually also to cut of features I won’t need.

So for the second blog on my site I know beforehand I won’t use it for embeds or droplets. So the folders for these are not needed, and also on the drop menu I don’t need these options.

I guess it isnot possible, but I was just wondering.

Yeah, sorry, that is not an option. Your site will not be slowed or operate any differently with or without these.

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