A11Y (Accessibility) Compliance


It is important that my website is accessible to users that might have impairments or disabilities.

In this why I wondered if Foundry is A11Y compliant and if not if anyone has experience in ensuring this is in place in their Foundry website?

I’ve noticed JW for Foundation explicitly states his theme is compliant but couldn’t find it for Foundry and really don’t want to have to move over just for this reason as I love all Foundry has to offer!

A11Y compliance falls not just on Foundry but on the content you provide it as well.

That said Foundry does provide things like alt tags and whatnot that you’ll need to make your sites compliant. It can do more, and as Foundry grows in the future it will add more compliance features. Foundry was created before accessibility compliance was a hot topic.

If you have specific needs I’d like to hear them. Please send me an email (adam at elixirgraphics dot com) and let me know what they are. I can let you know if Foundry already supports this, and if not add it to my list of goals.