Alloy and pictures/video

Just began using Alloy and loving it. Seems so much eaiser than other RW add ons for CMS function. Have been using Foundry for a while.

To get images at desired size, i have been resizing photo before adding in alloy to a content. In Foundry its simple to add image and adjust the sizing in the photo stack. Anyone have ideas on using consistent sizing on photos within one site using Alloy?

I have same question on using videos in Alloy. I was thinking i could use iframe code to set video size in each post but have not attempted it. Currentl, when i insert video in a post, self hosted video, its gigantic in the viewing area when published.

Thanks on your thoughts and ideas.

Hi @planofdevelop For consistent image sizing across your site, a good practice is to resize your images before uploading them. For full-size images, I recommend using 1500x999 pixels at 72dpi. This ensures a good balance between quality and loading speed. For thumbnails, 500x333 pixels at 72dpi works well, keeping everything crisp without unnecessary bulk.
As for videos, using an iframe to control the size is a solid approach. If you’re hosting the video yourself, you might want to wrap it in a div with a fixed width or use CSS to set max-width properties. This way, you can control how the video appears on different screen sizes. Setting a standard width for your videos (e.g., 100% width of its container) should prevent the gigantic display issue you’re experiencing. It’s easy with Foundry (I use the third one)
Hope this helps.

Thanks @Bruno appreciate your info. Will give it a spin! :smiling_face:

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