Alloy blog items don't show properly anymore

Hi Adam,
Thanx for the reply, I deleted the post-folder and re-visited, but nope, issue didn’t vanish… :wink:
Have a nice Pentecost-weekend!

I’ll look at your log Monday.

Thanks for the sentiment but I’m not Christian.

This line in your log file is the only error present:

[Sat May 18 10:31:06.756423 2024] [authz_core:error] [pid 2726089:tid 140555069576960] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/joopvgc252/domains/

This seems like a server problem and not related to Alloy itself. Have you reached out to your host? If not you might want to run this error by them.

Sorry for the late response,
I contacted the host, they referred me to the application builder :wink:
decided to go back to 1 Alloy blog (instead of 2)… giving up is also an option sometimes.
Thanks to all of you for your efforts!

Doesn’t seem like Alloy to me…

client denied by server configuration

…but I am no server expert.