Alloy Categories Inline spacing between stacked buttons

Hi there, I’m using the Alloy Categories Inline so I have a menu for posts. I’ve been experimenting with Blacksmith and can change font sizes and there is option in the Catergories tool to add hoizontal spacing, but is there a way to add vertical padding or spacing for the category buttons?

Does anybody know any sneaky little CSS tricks or use of Blacksmith to do this, I’ve been puzzling over it but can’t find a way. I’ve looked at existing posts covering similar but not what I’m after.

You will see in the screenshot there is horizontal padding but I need to get some vertical padding in.


Can you believe it! I’ve spent a couple of days returning to this problem puzzling over it, then concede and post a forum ask for help only to find the answer literally five minutes later :grinning:

I’ll leave this up for others, in Blacksmith it is simply Line Height. Screenshot attached.

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 19.03.22

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