Alloy editor text edit section small with no toolbar?

I’m using all the latest versions of alloy/foundry and rapidweaver. Had a go at setting up a simple test blog. For some reason in the editor … when creating a new post, the edit box is really narrow (like 150 pixels) and no toolbar is showing. Any suggestions about why that might be?
Blog seems to work fine in every other respect … just editing a new post is really challenging. Expected it to be the full width of the edit area

Sounds like you have a javascript error on the page most likely. You’d need to share a temporary login with me so I can find out. Do so via a direct message.

Thanks Adam, Think I have got to the bottom of things … for some reason Rapidweaver wasn’t copying over ‘jquery-2.2.4.min.js’ when I was publishing the page. Just tried copying it manually to test and all fine now. Did a ‘re-publish ALL’ too and it seems to work now. No idea why it didn’t copy it over in the first place but it does now and all working great.
Thank you :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face:

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