Beyond "Just Whimsy"

fyi, I love the ability to “Hide” elements of my work for efficiency moving about the gallery page. However, what would improve our work efficiency significantly, is if we could just double-click on the image or other element that we are temporarily hiding to open or close instead of always having to go to the pushbutton at the top of the workspace.

Having said that, what I’m seeking to learn is whether there is way to open up the “paragraph” associated with my image, so that when using it on the iPhone, the user can read the text in the paragraph. Here’s the link to my prototype site to take a look at that which I’m asking: Advisors | SAGE Rebreather™ | While readable in Mac OS, when you go to iPhone, the overlay overlays the button image, so it cannot be read.

Any ideas on how to overcome this concern would be appreciated.

That’s unfortunately not something that the API allows me to have control over. That said, Stacks offers that option for hiding things:

Perhaps a Modal would be an option for you?

Hi Adam. In fact I have been able to get Modal to do what I need (almost). I thought Zoom might be good, too, but I quickly learned that it is only for images.

I say “almost,” bc it still doesn’t work as well as I would like for the iPhone version. Two probs exist: 1) the buttons for the smaller images barely occur above the cutoff point, and 2) when I click on the image on the iPhone, the opening defaults to the “Brief Introduction.” If one wants to open the CV button, you have to avoid the + and click on the lowest portion of the green image.

Same link as above.

Your thoughts appreciated on what I might do to overcome these weaknesses. Thanks.

Hey @NeilMike – I don’t really offer design advice as a part of support. I’m happy to answer questions on the products themselves and troubleshoot and fix bugs and such, but consulting on site design isn’t something that is included as part of support for my products. From your description it sounds like you might just need to rework your layout at the smaller breakpoints.

Thanks, Adam. Probably the best guidance I could get. I haven’t gone there yet, but no time like the present. Thanks, again.