Blog post not publishing

My alloy blog all of the sudden is NOT publishing my posts.
Tried publishing a couple new posts and neither worked.

Foundry 2/Alloy 2

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Aaaand it finally published.

Alloy save director a text Markdown file on the server when you hit save. It doesn’t t hold on to the post unless you set it for a future date & time. This sounds like server side caching (think CloudFlare or the like) or browser caching IMHO.

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I have just run into this problem. I can see the published blog post on my website, but it is not displayed on my BLOG page.

However, if I hit the next blog page button and then come back to the initial page the post shows up. Although when it does it is not the final version of the post as I specifically made some changes to the post in order to try and track what was going on.

No amount of dumping coaches and reloading the page makes the post show up on its own.

Then I decided to take a look in the error_log file for the blog and there are a lot of errors regarding undefined variables. So maybe something is going on in the background.

I have never had a problem with Alloy before so this is a little baffling.

Any help you be greatly appreciated.

The items you’re describing in your error log file sound like Notices / Warnings and not Errors. An Error would usually stop the rendering of the page.

Any chance you or your host use Cloud Flare or a similar service?

Another thing to check in your Host’s cPanel is that NGINX Caching is inactive.

That one caused me the issues you’re experiencing. If you don’t have cPanel access, speak to your host, to make sure they’re not caching.

Aloha Adam,

I certainly do not use it and as far as I know neither does my host Chillidog. What seems strange is that it just started happening. Worked fine with the last post a couple of weeks ago.

Today when I went back to check on the blog the post showed up correctly and with all the changes in place. So I’m not sure if it was just some temporary glitch that has resolved itself. I’ll make another post today to see if the problem persists.

Alloy certainly didn’t change in that time, so if things were working A-OKAY before then my guess would be something changed on your end somewhere, perhaps with hosting, or something else.

I did find that the caching was active in my CPanel. I was not able to disable it as it appears to be something the hosting service needs to deal with, but it did allow me to clear the cache and that appeared to fix the problem.

Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll talk to the hosting service to see if there is a valid reason for this to be active, if not I’ll have them deactivate it.


Good to hear you got it sorted out. I suspected it was a caching issue of some kind, as Alloy does not hold back when you publish a new post.

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