Cascade Precision Incorporated Machine Shop

Cascade Precision Incorporated Machine Shop

This is my first business site made with Rapidweaver and Foundry. It is also the first with Foundry 3. I am pretty happy with it as a start, at least for a first revision. We needed to get it up for a trade show this week.

We were in talks about adding a live Cinema stack video but right now the homepage just has a still photo on black glass. With more time I would have done some re-shoots of that photo but I think its fine. The photos in the portfolio section were shot over a longer / more realistic time frame and have a degree of more polish to them.

The favicon was a happy surprise. For a while I wasn’t sure how well the symbol would scale down when I put the favicon in earlier this week. I chopped another 50% off the logo you see in the nav bar and found that it can retain what the image is. I think it works better then most of the competitors in this industry where their favicons were too dark or too small or wrong proportions.


Nice job done!!

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@Kip I like it. Maybe you can change the three icons on the mobile view to be next to each others instead of underneath?

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Thanks for the suggestion Jan. Sometimes I have a hard time sizing things for the phone. Especially in portrait mode where there is such narrow space to work with. I suppose the lettering wouldn’t get too small if everything was next to each other. Visitors could always rotate the phone if they wanted to see it larger. I think I’ll do that.

@elixirgraphics when are you going to create a tutorial video for the Cinema stack?

It won’t be for a while unfortunately. There’s a lot of IRL stuff keeping me busy right now outside of work. If you have a question about using it, post here. That said it works pretty similarly to Foundry 2’s Cinema tool, and those DOCs still exist with a tutorial: Foundry v2 - Cinema Documentation