Category list + Tag list

Hi, can i use in blog list page and blog page - Category and Tag list?

like this:


This is partially possible. Alloy comes with a Categories List stack that allows you to show the available categories from your live blog posts. You can read about that stack here: Alloy Documentation

That said, this stack is for Categories only. There is not a way to display Tags in this fashion.

Hello, and would you add tags list stack to Alloy?
Tags are a great thing for blog, and it would be good to view them.

Thanks, Mike

It is on the requests list already. I’m working on another project at this time though.

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And is there a tentative term? Will I wait or stay on the current solution?

Thx. Mike

If you’re asking if there’s an estimated timeframe for this feature, then the answer is no, there is not. The project I’m working on right now is extremely extensive.

Ok, I understand. :cry:
I can’t change to Alloy without this feature. :cry:


No problem at all. Glad to help. Have a nice rest of the week!

I’m wondering now with Foundry shipped, would you consider revisiting the Tag List / Cloud request? Thank you - very appreciative of the Elixir offerings.

Foundry 3 is released, but there are some other behind the scenes stuff I’m still working on that isn’t Alloy related. When Alloy is worked on next this feature is noted. Promise. That said, any Alloy update would be a large one.

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Thank you - much appreciated.