Checkboxes in form not transmitted correctly

I have checkboxes in my form, but the options clicked on when filling out the form are not transmitted correctly in the email. For exampel I have checked in the form “ich bin mir noch nicht sicher”, “Englisch” and “Deutsch”, but in the Email that I get from my form I get the Sent value “Ja” for “an einzelnen Kursen”, “ich bin mir noch nicht sicher” and “Schwedisch”, - so something completely different!
(see screenshots of my form after sending and of the Email I recieved)
My field names are all unique, no special characters or spaces…
What could be the reason for this issue?
Thank you for your help
Best regards

Here is a Dropbox Link to my project file:

Fields send their values, not their labels. The values for checkboxes are binary.

I understand that the values are sent, not the labels, and that checkboxes are binary (checked / non checked). The Sent value in the settings of the checkbox is what is being send, right? I have set as Sent value for my checkboxes “yes” (screenshot 1).

When I fill in the form I check in my test “on individual courses” and “swedish” (screenshot 2).

The Email I get afterwards from my form sends me the checked values “yes” for “at all courses” and “english”, - not at all the Sent values of the checkboxes I have checked! (screenshot 3)

Something ist going wrong here. I have put the actual project file in the dropbox:

Could you please check what is wrong? In the project file you can see my settings of my form stack f.ex. at the page application-en. I don’t know what I should do else. Thank you!

The correct data is being sent. The value just looks to be above the email label. I’ll take a look. You can verify this by checking all three language boxes.

Adjustment of ordering will be in next update. Will try to ship and update early next week.

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Thank you! Looking foreward to it. :+1:

Hi Adam, I have installed your update v3.2024.01.16, but the problem of the checkbox values not beeing sent correctly in the Email remains. I have republished all files and cleared my browser cache. What else should I do to solve the problem? Thanks for your support

In case you might need it, here is the dropbox link to the actual version of my project:

Yes, unfortunately I was squeezed for time yesterday, as is the case a lot lately unfortunately. I was able to get some of the updates in the release yesterday – checkboxes weren’t one of them though. I still wanted to run them through a few more tests besides the first rudimentary “does this work?!” test. I promise to have this out soon though.

Thank you for your notification. As an individual freelancer I know the problem of not having enough time. I will then wait and tell my customers that they will have to be patient a little bit more before they can officially submit their application online.
Please let me know when the bug is fixed. Thanks a lot!

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Update now, then restart RapidWeaver, then do a Republish All Files and I think you should be good to go. If you continue to have a problem with this field / value ordering in the sent email please let me know.

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Looks good in my first tests, thank you for your quick reply and bug fix! :+1:


Good to hear. Sorry it didn’t make it into yesterday’s update. Spent the morning doing some final tests though so it could make it out today instead of waiting longer.

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