F3 Form Question

The Phone field in the Form tool requires dashes but unfortunately on an iPhone “at least my iPhone” doesn’t give me the option to select a dash when I click on the Phone field. I noticed a “Pattern” option in the tool settings but I’m not sure how it works, I’m thinking I would just remove the dashes in the Pattern. Is that the correct way to go about this to not require dashes?

Adjusting a custom pattern would allow you to change what is required by the field. Here’s a bit of reading on input field patterns that I think should help you out:

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Thank you, those links were helpful. I was able to make the change to the pattern so everything is working and the form no longer requires the dashes as part of the phone number.

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Patterns are pretty useful. And there’s more to know there than one person should need to memorize. :rofl:

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