F3 SVG Linking Textdeclaration

When linking SVG graphics (when the svg has text) the svg has an underline on the parts with text on some divides (for example iPad with OS 16.7.5, on Safari-Desktop it works just fine). Does anyone has an idea to prevent this. I do not wand underline text parts of the graphics.

Please provide us a copy of your project file, along with a link to the live site if available.

Create a ZIP file containing your project file. This is the file you open in RapidWeaver to edit your site. After creating the ZIP file, upload it using a service like Dropbox, WeTransfer, Droplr, or a similar service to create download link for us. Paste that download link in your reply.

The last graphic on the page (center in the footer).

This is the backup link: Fehlerseite - Tofi Outdoorladen Tofi Internetseite.rwc.zip

Both of those links go to your site. Neither link to your project file download. That SVG in the bottom, center of your footer does not show a link text decoration when I hover over it here: CleanShot 2024-01-29 at 11.54.47 · CleanShot Cloud

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding?

(Fehlerseite - Tofi Outdoorladen Tofi Internetseite.rwc.zip)

When I past the link hier it changes automatically.

Have you tried it on an iPad? Then it showed the underline.

I have an old iPhone there it is also underlined.

I don’t have an iPad available right now. This is from my iPhone.

This is from my iPad OS 16.7.5

All I can say is that someone here can look at your project file if you send it over. After you make a dropbox or weshare download link, send that link over by posting it here so we can download it.

Hier is the link of the project: Dropbox - 2052 Tofi Internetseite.rwc.zip - Simplify your life

Your SVG is not purely and SVG graphic it literally also includes text. So that text will be underlined and reflect your chosen link underline settings found in the Control Center. You can either change those settings, or redo your SVG to be purely graphical, by expanding the text in Illustrator or your vector editor of choice. This is outside the scope of my support for my product though as far as the graphic design element of things goes.

After a lot of testing I found out, that it works on OS 17 but not on OS 16 and 12. It works on android but I do not know the version. On Desktop it works on every device I tested it.