Foundry 3 Accordion (no content areas)

Finally, Adam makes fantastic informative videos. The video (almost 20 min) will get you up and running regarding making an F3 type of mega menu.

I understand. But my client needs the mega menu to do what they want with the navigation. Can something like that be built with the available tools for F3?

I would suggest using Foundry 2 for that project then since it does what you want and youā€™re familiar with it. The Foundry 3 Navigation Bar is not going to do what you want from Mega Menu in Foundry 2

I just asked that question about making a mega menu in F3. Our messages must have hit at the same time. Iā€™ll look into the video. Thanks for your help!

Thanks, Adam. Appreciate your time and advice.

Just be sure to read error messages in the future. These, as shown by @mitchellm above, indicate that something is amiss:

Weird thing is, I wasnt getting any error messagesā€¦the accordion just wasnā€™t working. It wasnā€™t until I deleted that Base partial that the errors showed up on the page. For now Iā€™m just going to use a third party accordion that seems to work. Iā€™ll talk to my client about doing something different than mega menu. If they are set on it then Iā€™ll need to redo the whole site in F2.

Thanks again for your help. Hope you guys have a good weekend.