Foundry 3 animate link to another page

Hi All,

Is there a way with Foundry 3 to animate an image that links to another page? The link currently is an instant transition, and I would like to add some animation to the transition.

Loving Foundry 3, and rebuilding one of my sites completely with Foundry stacks. Took a minute to get my head around the spacing stack to add padding to various elements on the page.


Do you have an example of what you’re trying to accomplish? I’m not sure I’m picking up on what you’re describing here.

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the reply.

I have a page with images on it, and clicking/tapping on an image brings the user to a details page. This happens in a flash. I am hoping to add a fade, a page curl, or some indication when the user transitions to the detail page for the image clicked. I may be letting too much of my iOS development and design thinking leaking into the web design–what I am trying to do may not be possible with CSS and HTML.


Foundry has a Transition tool included. You’d place it on the destination page. This doesn’t cover all the animation styles you mentioned, but is the basics of what you’re talking about. That said, I personally would be careful with things like this as content on the destination page that needs to calculate sizing, etc of elements during page load will struggle to do so since the page’s contents are hidden until after the entirety of the page’s content is loaded.

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Thanks Adam, for the point in the right direction and advice. I will take a look.


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