Foundry - add headings that only appear on Print/PDF export

Is there a way to add text/heading/graphics that don’t appear in a browser (at any breakpoint) but do if the user attempts to print the page (or export as PDF)? I can’t find anything native in Foundry so wondered if there were 3rd-party add-ons anyone could recommend that were compatible & would do this? Or point to some resources on how to do this with code?

It’s actually for an Alloy site but obviously not Alloy-specific.


Hi @alexps,

Foundry doesn’t offer that type of functionality.

PrintMe by StackIts. does exactly what you describe. It allows you to put a “Print” button on the page which prints only what you want printed. You can set custom texts that appear on the printed page (but not on the screen).

Its $15 and available here.

Joe Workman’s Print stack ($20, available here) allows you to set up content that gets printed, but not displayed on screen using its “Visibility” feature.
