Gallery Image, Thumbnail res

I would like to create a gallery as in the photo in the link below. Which tool can I use with Foundry 3 to get the same result with Foundry 2? Thank you

(Vorrei creare una galleria come da foto nel link sottostante. Quale strumento posso usare con Foundry 3 per ottenere lo stesso risultato con Foundry 2? Grazie)

Hi @gbonf I recommand Progallery from stacks4stacks. If you’re interested You should contact William Woodgate (“he’s” Stacks4stacks, he prepare an improvement of his Progallery and he works with photographers). Hope that helps.

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Agreed. Now that Adam has discontinued Shutter, Progallery with Topbox lightbox is the power-combo.

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Thank you @Bruno, I see that there is a lot of stuff to study and translate. I’ll try. The demo seems to have been accepted by Foundry 3. I assume it’s compatible. It will take me a month to understand the mechanisms, but it seems to me an acceptable alternative. I renew my thanks. Beppe

(Ti ringrazio @Bruno, vedo che c’è parecchia roba da studiare e da tradurre. Ci proverò. La demo sembra sia stata accettata da Foundry 3. Presumo sia compatibile. Mi ci vorrà un mese per capire i meccanismi, ma mi sembra una alternativa accettabile. Rinnovo i ringraziamenti. Beppe. )

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To speed up the learning process a bit, William Woodgate has a Youtube channel, he made a video for Progallery2 that allows you to get to grips with ProGallery4 without any problems, from memory it lasts about ten minutes. Glad to have helped.

Yes I’ve already watched the Progallery2 video but the Progalleri3 that I downloaded and installed is a little different and I don’t know this method of using the csv file that contains the photographs because I’m dealing with “real” photos and I don’t know how they end up in a csv folder. I’m not a computer scientist. In the end he with that csv gets the result that I would also like but I can’t. Maybe I’ll write to him to understand the trick better. Anyway, thank you very much.

(Sì ho già visionato il video Progallery2 ma il Progalleri3 che ho scaricato e installato è un po’ diverso e non conosco bene questo metodo di ricorrere al file csv che contiene le fotografie perché ho a che fare con foto “reali” e non so come facciano a finire in una cartella csv. Non sono un informatico. Alla fine lui con quel csv ottiene il risultato che vorrei anch’io ma io non riesco. Forse gli scriverò per capire meglio il trucco. Comunque grazie davvero )

I understand that I should take the images that are in the Rapidwear Resources folder, cut them out one by one, but from there on I get lost, also because already the idea of having to crop the images one by one makes me feel bad.

(Mi sembra di capire che dovrei prendere le immagini che sono nella cartella Risorse di Rapidwear, ritagliarle una ad una, ma da lì in poi mi perdo, anche perché già l’idea di dover ritagliare una ad una le immagini mi fa star male. )

I know it’s a lot of preparation work but there is no other choice to have a quality gallery. The images must be prepared otherwise the quality of the presentation suffers a lot. If this work is too tedious then you must refer to another solution.

Yes, I’m thinking of XnVieW ( that could facilitate some automation, or to create libraries on google photos or on flickr, but I know that for example with flickr I had already encountered embed problems, however I could link by showing only a photo and a button that refers to the link. In this case, for me it is only a site for an association. How it comes out, I don’t know how to say it in English. Thank you for your kindness and support.

(Sì, sto pensando a XnVieW ( che potrebbe facilitarmi qualche automatizzazione, oppure a creare librerie su google foto o su flickr, ma so che per esempio con flickr avevo già riscontrato dei problemi di embed, tuttavia potrei linkare facendo vedere solo una foto e un bottone che rimanda al link. In questo caso, per me si tratta solo di un sito per una associazione. Come esce esce, non so come si dice in inglese. Ti ringrazio per la gentilezza e per il sostegno. )

Maybe you could have a look to Photopro from Joe Workman. I’m not sure that’s what you expect but it’s easy to manage a lot of photo.
There’s also the excellent Iconic Gallery from Instacks.

I didn’t know that Joe Workman’s Photopro was compatible with Foundry 3 . It looks good. Also interesting Icon Gallery that I didn’t know. I’ll think about it. Thank you .

(Non sapevo che Photopro di Joe Workman fosse compatibile con Foundry 3 . Sembra bello. Interessante anche Icon Gallery che non conoscevo. Ci farò un pensierino. Grazie . )

I chose and found PhotoPro useful, it makes it much easier for me and in a short time. At first I was afraid it wasn’t compatible with Foundry 3 and that it would necessarily have to be supported by Cartloom, which I haven’t figured out what it is yet, but it works by itself in the middle of the F3 stacks. Your suggestion made me happy. Now I can deal with other headaches such as eliminating all the

Site built with F2 and replace it with the one built with F3 hoping that Alloy doesn’t drive me crazy with passwords because I haven’t understood that thing there for now. I go ahead by trial and error like monkeys. Anyway, thank you very much for the suggestion.

(Ho scelto e trovato utile PhotoPro, mi facilita molto e in poco tempo. All’inizio temevo non fosse compatibile con Foundry 3 e che dovesse essere necessariamente supportato da Cartloom, che non ho ancora scoperto cosa sia, ma funziona da solo in mezzo agli stacks del F3. Il tuo suggerimento mi ha reso felice. Adesso posso affrontare altri grattacapi come per esempio eliminare tutto il
sito costruito con F2 e sostituirlo con quello costruito con F3 sperando che Alloy non mi faccia impazzire con le password perché quella cosa lì non l’ho ben capita per ora. Vado avanti per prove ed errori come le scimmie. E comunque davvero tanti grazie per il suggerimento. )

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I’m glad you found what you wanted. For Alloy, it’s really very simple. Here you will find the manual and the videos very well explained to install the editor and configure the password, you just have to follow the demo step by step it lasts 5 minutes and that’s the time it takes to configure Alloy. Adam has created a great product and it’s really a pleasure on a daily basis. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need help. Cheers

Hi Bruno, sorry to bother you. I’m having difficulties with the SMTP Form in Foundry 3. I entered the google but I can’t find where to insert the client ID and google secret client in the rapidweaver form. Maybe there is no need but I don’t understand what exactly the procedures are to make it work. Do you have any easy suggestions? Thank you .

(Salve Bruno, scusa se ti disturbo. Sto avendo delle difficoltà con il Form SMTP in Foundry 3. Sono entrato nella di google ma non trovo dove inserire il client ID e client segret di google nel Form di rapidweaver . Forse non ce n’è bisogno ma non capisco quali siano esattamente i procedimenti per farlo funzionare. Tu hai qualche suggerimento facile ? Grazie . )

Hi @gbonf No need to put these infos in the form settings. Here is the documentation for Foundry form. Try first without using smtp, just in case your webhost allows it, it works better with some webhost (PHP first :rofl:). If not then use your webhost documentation (it’s never the same from host to host…). If you’re still in trouble, provide a photo of the stacks settings panel (inspector) to see what you’ve already put in.
Last but not least maybe you could open another thread because it’s not anymore a Gallery image topic :grin:

Hi, I would like to come back to the question of @gbonf and share my experience with ProGallery 3 and especially with the beta of ProGallery 4. My special wishes for PG3 in July to Will Woodgate from stacks4stacks were surprisingly answered by him with the imminent announcement of PG 4! And oh luck, he provided me with a pre-version that more than exceeded my wishes & expectations and was already fully functional.

First results can be found on a test page here: sam dot de/pro

It currently contains 464 images in 800x800 format and, on click, a further 464 technical descriptions in the integrated lightbox. PG4 is very fast and contains countless features, which would go beyond the scope of this article. (PasswordProtection, Download, EXIF, Likes, Pinterest…) Just so far, like PG3 it is based on a now extensive CSV, but can also access an ImageDirectory / Wordpress database / MySQL / CMS. However, it can/must not be anchored in the RW resources - it can be located in any folder on the server. This opens up the possibility that customers can also take over the maintenance/extension of RW/StacksPro externally.

It gets exciting when parts of the large CSV are selected in product subgroups, such as here: sam dot de/mixer-and-tabs/metro/
All you need to display the data is to enter the corresponding row spaces from the CSV.

Ok, setting up a basic table with all the links to the images and the correct labeling with control characters takes time. (Laughter) But then maintenance is easy. I work with NUMBERS not with Excel - I have better experience with exporting to .csv

I would also like to emphasize the cooperation and support from Will! He is always open to input and I know that he still has a lot planned for his gallery before it is published. I am very excited.


Is version 4 in beta still? Or for sale?

Hi @mitchellm, I just checked on s4s - seems still in beta!

All of my stacks will work in any theme. :sunglasses:

I’m happy Photo Pro fit your needs!