Glide Stack - alternative set up on mobiles

I really like Glide, but the Glide Navigation Items aren’t shown on mobiles.
Is there some way I could set up Scroll To buttons (or other buttons or links - which I could set to only appear on Mobiles) to go to the Glide content sections?
Is there a better way to go?

I use use a mobile menu and hide this using the visibility stack on tablets and desktops. So I use Glide for tablets and desktops.

The Glide navigation buttons are removed at the mobile breakpoint as there just is nowhere they can go. If you start adding a bunch of buttons, etc and make them sticky to get around it, you’ll likely find that your mobile browser will quickly fill with those ‘sticky’ buttons, which is also one of the reasons Glide works the way it does.

Thanks for the feedback