google crome Problems

Hi everyone,
In Google Chrome, my pictures are not displayed correctly in the gallery, which looks very unprofessional and even worse, the contact form doesn’t work either…

In Safari, however, everything works as it should.

I need urgent help!!!


THX Chris

@Chris85 Hi, I just visit your website with Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari : all works fine. Did you empty your cache browser ?

Hi Bruno, interesting maybe it was helpful to Upload all files new.

Thanks for testing

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Hi @Bruno,

so i delete all my cookies in Crome but the problem is the same :thinking: I try it at two 16 zoll Mac book Pro
safari, Firefox is fine only Crome makes the problems…

At a smaller Mac book or at a Windows pc there are no problems :thinking:

@Chris85 Hi, I’m sorry about that. However, I don’t encounter any problems when I go to your site with Chrome. It appears the same as on Safari (I’m on iPad at the moment). What problem are you encountering precisely (on which page, in which location)? Can you post a photo of the page with the problem under Chrome and another without the problem under Safari for example?

@Bruno the hole contact form dosen’t work, you can’t see it and the pictures are much to big an in a bad resolution because they are scaled for page speed in the correct size when it look correct :slight_smile:

@Bruno here the contact page were you don’t see the form

@Bruno and here the right look in safari

@Bruno and the form

Sorry it’s ok for me (chrome on IPad) :

I don’t understand the problem. Again sorry I have no idea of this issue origin (except cache but you already emptied it).

ADD Here from my Mac (Chrome) :

Works fine too.